The New Cadastre in Norway Heming Herdlevær director cadastral departement
New Law on the Cadastre q Adopted by the Parliament summer 2005 q Changes in the law adopted summer 2007 q To provide: q Better services to users q Better quality in registers q Meeting demand of the changing land market q By: q Adding a digital cadastral map to the national register q Registering public restrictions in the Cadastre q Adding two new types of property objects: q volumes under or above the surface, 3 D properties q land in common ownership
The role of the cadastre (in the new cadastral law) q give the official identification number for the cadastral units, buildings and addresses q an important “key-register” q facilitating tasks in local administration q collection of fees q land use planning q protection q construction q facilitating tasks in central administration q statistics q facilitating tasks in private sector q information to the property market, property owners and developers
The role of the cadastre (in the new cadastral law) q Fill the need for publisity q This means that no one can say they “did not know”, if the information is present in the register. q This role is new compared to present system/law q Strengthens the systems role qHas to be “up to date” qThe quality must be good q Gives the municipalities more responsibility qHigher competence qBetter routines
Structure of the new cadastre
The new Cadastre - Architecture overview Cadastre database Cadastre application server Cadastre API Municipal read access Reporting client Cadastre client Municipal process system Change log API Public read access Other public registers The Land Register The National Population Register The Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities The Postal code register The Cultural Heritage Register The Ground Pollution Register The Integrated Land Information System External Cadastre clients