Lindos (Λινδος) Grade 8 AFenske AFenske
Where is Lindos? Lindos
History of Lindos Around 300 BCE the Doric Temple of Athena Lindia was built. During the 4th century BCE the Propylaea of the Sanctuary (“the gateway” ) was built. It’s Hellenistic stoa dates to around 200 BCE. Around 180 BCE, a relief of a Rhodian Tireme was cut into the base of the steps that lead to the acropolis (from the 2nd century). There are remains of a Roman Temple that dates to around 300 CE. Before 1317, the Castle of the Knights of St. John was built. The acropolis was used as a fortress at different times throughout its history.
The Acropolis of Lindos
Lindos Today Tourist attraction.