Middle Ages PART 2
Other European Invasions After Charlemagne’s death a civil war broke out and his heirs fought for control of the kingdom. In 843, his grandsons signed the Treaty of Verdun and divided the empire among them. Western part = France Eastern part = Germany Middle section = North Sea to Italy More invasions continued to take place and the empire continued to be broken up.
The Norman Invasion aka: The Vikings 9th C.– Western Europe was attacked by Vikings Warriors from Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden & Denmark) Overpopulation or harsh conditions in their own countries Sailed in small, well-designed ships to search for new resources. Looted and burned many villages, towns, castles, churches, and monasteries in coastal areas People were terrified.
The Vikings Vikings from Sweden attacked Eastern Europe and Russia as well as settling in Iceland and Greenland. The Danes took over a section of England. Others sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in 1000 to North America (traces of their settlement still remain in Newfoundland!) In 911, the Franks gave them northern France. The surrendered area was given the name Normandy, based on the French word “Norman” meaning Northmen.
In England
The Jutes, Angles and Saxons occupied England for three centuries but this didn’t stop them from fighting each other. Under the threat of the Viking invasion they came together under the Anglo-Saxon King, Alfred the Great ( ). Under Alfred there was a code of laws developed, local governments improved and schools were created. He was also able to strengthen the army and navy to protect England from invasions. England wasn’t protected forever – when Alfred died, the new (but weak) rulers couldn’t hold off the Danish King Canute and in 1016 he took over as King of England.
One of the most significant events in English history happened 50 years later…
Enter William, Duke of Normandy ( )… 1066 – crossed the English Channel from France to attack England with 7000 soldiers. At Hastings, Williams forces met and conquered those of the Saxon King, Harold (who died in battle). The Battle of Hastings is the most famous battle in English history and set the stage for England’s future development. “William the Conqueror”
Battle of Hastings – 1066
The Bayeux Tapestry After Williams’s successful defeat of England, his brother commissioned a large wall hanging to commemorate the event. Embroidery 70 metres long and ½ metre high depicting the story of King Harold and Duke William. 75 different scenes with ships, horses, men, women, trees, dogs & other animals.
William, the Duke of Normady became the First Norman King of England All monarchs since then can trace their blood to him!