Ownership and fragmentation in UK manufacturing presentation by Richard Harris This work contains statistical data from ONS which is Crown copyright and reproduced with the permission of the controller of HMSO and Queen's Printer for Scotland. The use of the ONS statistical data in this work does not imply the endorsement of the ONS in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the statistical data. This work uses research datasets which may not exactly reproduce National Statistics aggregates. Source of material: Recent micro-economic trends in the manufacturing sector (submitted to Foresight project on the Future of Manufacturing by John Moffat (Durham University).Recent micro-economic trends in the manufacturing sector
Overview Foreign ownership of manufacturing Fragmentation – Ownership structure of plants and firms – Rise in intermediate input usage – Relationship between manufacturing and services
Rise of foreign ownership Real Gross Output by Country of Ownership in UK Manufacturing, (2000 prices)
Implication (I): R&D spending R&D expenditure (2005 prices) by ownership status in UK Manufacturing,
Sources of Funding for R&D Expenditure (2005 prices) in UK Manufacturing,
Implication (II): Productivity growth
Fragmentation – ownership structure Outsourcing – To plants in different locations (same firm) – To firms in different locations – To plants/firms in different sectors Why? – Rise of ICT combined with concentration on ‘core activities’ (economies of scope) – Lowering cost of transportation and lower costs of inputs in other locations
Real Gross Output, Gross Value Added and Intermediate Inputs in UK Manufacturing, (2000 prices)
Average plant size for multi-plant and single-plant firms UK manufacturing, Employment in Multi-Plant and Single- Plant and Multi-Industry and Single- Industry Firms in UK manufacturing,
Fragmentation – use of intermediate inputs Median Ratio of Intermediate Inputs to Real Gross Output in UK Manufacturing,
Percentage of Multi-Plant Firms that operated in more than industry in UK Manufacturing,
Fragmentation – relationship between manufacturing & services Employment in UK Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing of firms operating plants in both sectors,
Distribution of Employment across other sectors for Firms with Manufacturing Plants,
Purchase of intermediate inputs in UK manufacturing, , (2000 prices)
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