Streaming Session Support in oneM2M Framework Group Name: WG2 Source: George Foti, Ericsson Meeting Date: Work Item :WI GPP_Rel13_IWK
Introduction Streaming sessions are negotiated and can be classified as follows: – Streaming session with No peer to peer negotiation of session Single Offer in originating request The target application must accept the offer or reject the offer and consequently the request – Streaming Session with peer to peer Negotiation of session Multiple Offers in Originating Request The target application must accept one of the offers or reject all and subsequently the request
Streaming Sessions Streamed data does not traverse the oneM2M layer, rather directly between applications under control of the oneM2M layer.
Streaming Session - Architectural Impacts Network Domain Network Applications Core Network Connection MN-SCE Core Network Connection 3GPP Core Network Mcn (Rx) PCRF IN-CSE Packet Network Gx Impacts: IN-CSE to support Rx (3GPP TS ), or equivalent API Mca, Mcc to support media description attribute parameter based on SDP (RFC 4566) IN-CSE maps the media description to Rx according to 3GPP rules ADN Mcc Mca
Streaming Session – Deployment 1 Network Domain Network Applications MN-CSE PCRF NSCL Gx/Gac ADN – Control ADN - Media Network Application Media Network Application Control Packet Core network Nodes IN-CSE Mcc Mca Internal Mca 3GPP Core Network Mcn (Rx)
Streaming Session – Deployment 2 Network Domain Network Applications PCRF NSCL Gx/Gac ADN – Control ADN - Media Network Application Media Network Application Control Packet Core network Nodes IN-CSE Mca Internal Mca 3GPP Core Network Mcn (Rx)
Streaming Session – Deployment 3 Network Domain MN-CSE PCRF NSCL Gx/Gac ADN – Control ADN - Media Packet Core network Nodes IN-CSE Mcc Mca Mcc 3GPP Core Network MN-CSE ADN – Control ADN - Media Mca Mcn (Rx)
Streaming Session Procedure – Deployment 1 MN-CSE NA IN-CSE Register with MN_CSE CREATE-Streaming-Session (media-description, Target AE-ID, Originating AE-ID, Session-ID) PCRF ADN Register with IN_CSE CREATE-Streaming-Session (media-description, Target AE-ID, Originating AE-ID, Session-ID) NOTIFY Target AE-ID, Originating AE-ID, Session- ID) Response OK CREATE-Streaming-Session (media-description, Target AE-ID, Originating AE-ID, Session-ID) The IN-CSE now has the complete media description. The streaming session Resource is created AA-Request (AAR) AA-Answer (AAA) Response (updated media -description Data Exchange directly between the NA/ADN Reserve the bearers The MN-CSE creates a streaming session Resource The MN-CSE updates the streaming session Resource
Streaming Session Procedure-Deployment3 MN-CSE1 NA IN-CSE Register with MN_CSE1 CREATE-Streaming-Session (media-description, Target AE-ID, Originating AE-ID, Session-ID) PCRF ADN Register with MN_CSE2 CREATE-Streaming-Session (media-description, Target AE-ID, Originating AE-ID, Session-ID) NOTIFY Target AE-ID Originating AE-ID, Session-ID) Response OK CREATE-Streaming-Session (media-description, Target AE-ID Originating AE-ID, Session-ID) AA-Request (AAR) AA-Answer (AAA) Response (updated media -description Data Exchange directly between the NA/ADN Reserve the bearers MN-CSE2 CREATE-Virtual-Streaming-Session (media-description, Target AE-ID Originating AE-ID, Session-ID) Response OK The streaming session Resource is created The MN-CSE updates the streaming session Resource The streaming session Resource is created
Resources to Support Streaming Sessions A new resource is required to store information relevant to a streaming session. – Supported in MN-CSE, IN-CSE, ASN A new Virtual Resource in IN-CSE is required – This is needed since the IN-CSE is the entity implementing Rx (API) and has to be involved in every streaming session scenario.