Process Owner
Six Sigma DMADV or DFSS 1 Verify the design, set up pilot runs, implement the production process and hand it over to the process owner(s).
Business process Other definitions 1 Frequently, a process owner, i.e. a person being responsible for the performance and continuous improvement of the process, is also considered as a prerequisite...
Business process Policies, Processes and Procedures 1 For instance, if a recommendation to replace a given policy with a better one is made with proper justification and accepted in principle by business process owners, then corresponding changes in the consequent processes and procedures will follow naturally in order to enable implementation of the policies
Business process Information Reports as an Essential Base for Executing Business Processes 1 Business process owners and operatives should realise that process improvement often occurs with introduction of appropriate transaction, operational, highlight, exception or M.I.S. reports, provided these are consciously used for day-to-day or periodical decision-making. With this understanding would hopefully come the willingness to invest time and other resources in business process improvement by introduction of useful and relevant reporting systems.
Data custodian 1 In Data Governance groups, responsibilities for data management are increasingly divided between the business process owners and information technology (IT) departments. Two functional titles commonly used for these roles are Data Steward and Data Custodian.
COBIT - The COBIT framework 1 The business orientation of COBIT consists of linking business goals to IT goals, providing metrics and maturity models to measure their achievement, and identifying the associated responsibilities of business and IT process owners.
Process (computing) - Representation 1 Security attributes, such as the process owner and the process' set of permissions (allowable operations).
Grsecurity - Miscellaneous features 1 * /proc restrictions that don't leak information about process owners
Business process reengineering - Business process reengineering topics 1 These processes are characterized by a number of attributes: Process ownership, customer focus, value adding, and cross- functionality.
Business process reengineering - Business needs analysis 1 In this analysis phase, a series of sessions should be held with process owners and stakeholders, regarding the need and strategy for BPR
BPO - Business Finance 1 * Business process owner, the person responsible for a business process
Process improvement 1 'Process improvement' is an aspect of organizational development (OD) in which a series of actions are taken by a process owner to identify, analyze and improve existing business processes within an organization to meet new Goal|goals and objectives, ISBN such as increasing profits and performance, reducing costs and accelerating schedules
Process improvement - Employee roles 1 There are four roles within a business Management system: Business Leader, Process Owner, Operational Manager, and Process Operator. The responsibilities of each of these roles are unique, but work together as a system. Some employees in an organization may perform as many as all four of these roles over the course of a day, week, month, or year.
Process improvement - Process owner 1 The process owner is the only person who has authority to make changes in the process and manages the entire process improvement cycle to ensure performance effectiveness
Process improvement - Process owner 1 The process owner then designs process steps to describe work that when performed will have the capability to produce products that meets the customer and business requirements.
Process improvement - Process owner 1 The process owner is continually involved with the operational managers and process operators as they use kaizen to continually improve the process as they are performing the work.
Process improvement - Process owner 1 The Process Owner periodically analyzes the process performance data and use it to visualize the process’s capability to operate within control limits over time (performance trends), compare actual performance against performance targets, and identify performance issues.
Process improvement - Process owner 1 The Process Owner is responsible for creating improvement actions that address performance issues that are identified during their analysis of the process performance data
Process improvement - Operational manager 1 The operational manager is responsible to create improvement actions to address the performance issues that are identified during their analysis of the process and Process Operator performance data. They address Process Operator performance with ongoing feedback to the Process Operator and/or by using an employee performance management review process. They communicate process performance issues to the Process Operator(s) and the Process Owner.
Process improvement - Key considerations 1 For any process to be controllable, it is essential that there be clarity on who are the process owners, and what constitutes success/failure of the process. These success/failure levels also help establish control limits for the process, and provide a healthy check on whether or not a process is meeting the desired customer objectives.
Process improvement - Methodologies 1 * Then, the BPI process owners should determine what outcomes would add value to the organization's objectives and how best to align its processes to achieve those outcomes (TO-BE).
Chief process officer - Process management roles 1 The following guideline explains briefly the responsibilities of the CPO and the main roles inside his organization. Whereas the 'Process management consultant', the 'Process management coach', the 'Process management assistant' and the 'Process management IT coordinator' are part of his organization and reporting directly to him, are the 'Process owner', the 'Process manager' and the 'Process member' part of the business organization.
Business processes - Information Reports as an Essential Base for Executing Business Processes 1 Business process owners and operatives should realise that process improvement often occurs with introduction of appropriate transaction, operational, highlight, exception or Management information system|M.I.S. reports, provided these are consciously used for day-to-day or periodical decision-making. With this understanding would hopefully come the willingness to invest time and other resources in business process improvement by introduction of useful and relevant reporting systems.
Defence Intelligence - Organisation 1 Defence Intelligence is headed by the Chief of Defence Intelligence (CDI) who is a serving three-star rank|three-star military officer and who, as the MOD's 'intelligence process owner', is also responsible for the overall co-ordination of intelligence activities throughout the Armed Forces and single Service Commands
Emergency management - United States 1 This has the advantage of creating a plan more resilient to novel events (because all common processes are defined), encourages planning done by the process owners who are the subject matter experts (e.g., the traffic management plan written by public works director, rather than the emergency manager), and focuses on processes (which are real, can be measured, ranked in importance, and are under our control)
Department of Defense Architecture Framework - Meta-model 1 As the DM2 matures to meet the ongoing data requirements of process owners, decision makers, architects, and new technologies, it will to a resource that more completely supports the requirements for architectural data, published in a consistently understandable way, and will enable greater ease for discovering, sharing, and reusing architectural data across organizational boundaries.
Hoshin Kanri - Hoshin planning 1 The implementation plan usually requires coordination both within and between departments and process owners. Implementation plans are not just the responsibility of an individual completing the lowest-level annual plan. Each level in the organization carries detailed responsibilities to ensure support for and successful completion of the organization’s plans. This is how the do step of PDCA happens.
Manufacturing cells - Design 1 An additional goal in cellular manufacturing is the maximization of process ownership with moderation of capital investment. Process ownership is based upon the location of value added work. Its purpose is to limit inventory built up by the culmination of queued product. These queues are an aspect of functional manufacturing and increase delay (muda) and process variation (muri) in production.
Succession planning - Field of succession management 1 Most large corporations assign a process owner for talent and succession management
Computer process - Representation 1 * Computer security|Security attributes, such as the process owner and the process' set of permissions (allowable operations).
Process owner - Operational manager 1 The operational manager is responsible for creating improvement actions to address the performance issues that are identified during their analysis of the process and Process Operator performance data. They address Process Operator performance with ongoing feedback to the Process Operator and/or by using an employee performance management review process. They communicate process performance issues to the Process Operator(s) and the Process Owner.
For More Information, Visit: m/the-process-owner- toolkit.html m/the-process-owner- toolkit.html The Art of Service