Fiscal Policy Fiscal Policy - Government effort to control the economy and maintain stable prices, full employment, and economic growth. Fiscal Policy deals with adjusting government spending (G) and tax revenue (T) in order to achieve these goals. IT is aimed at manipulating the federal budget. Macro Economics = Looking how the United States as a country deals with financial circumstances.
Fiscal Policy and Graphing Notes Three Macroeconomic Goals: 3-4% or less 5% or less -Economic 3-4 % or more
Inflation Too much money in the money supply The value of the dollar goes down Inflation usually goes up at a rate of 3% a year Unemployment People out of work = no money or income = little to no spending = everyone looses!
Three Possible Results of Fiscal Policy Budget deficit (G>T) Budget surplus (G<T) Balanced Budget (G=T)
Two types of Fiscal Policy : Expansionary – used to fight recessions (problem #1) Contractionary - used to fight inflation (problem #2)
Expansionary Fiscal Policy T ____ & G ____ = AD ____ Lower Taxes and Raise Government Spending = What happens to the Aggregate Demand?
Contractionary Fiscal Policy T ____ & G ____ = AD _____ Raise taxes and lower Government Spending = What will happen to Aggregate Demand?
Recession - GRAPH IT! Output / Employment P/L1 A/D1 AS AD2 PL2 During Recession, Expansionary Fiscal Policy will Increase AD! O/E1O/E2
You Graph It! During Inflation, Contractionary Fiscal Policy will decrease AD!