ALEPH Version 16.2 An overview of the new staff mode client interface for Public Services Staff.
Outline of Today’s Session Learn about the changes in Aleph Version 16.2 Hands on training & searching in the new Aleph
What is the same? Your logon & passwords are the same
What is the same? Once you get to a catalogue record or bibliographic record, it still looks the about the same.
What changed? The look & feel has changed…
What else? The look of the item display is different, but the same information still displays.
Using the New Aleph
Looking up records by system number in Cataloguing Enter system number here in the upper left hand corner.
Looking up records by system number in Acquisitions
What Went Where? Staff OPAC AcquisitionsCataloguingSerialsCirculationItemsTasks Admin v.14 v.16 Acquisitions and Serials Cataloguing Circulation
Acquisitions and Serials Acquisitions and Serials Staff OPAC Acquisitions SerialsTasks Admin Budgets Currencies Vendors Items
Cataloguing Staff OPACTasks Items
Circulation Items Tasks Admin Patron Profiles Staff OPAC
Looking up by ISBN: using Find
Looking up by a subject: using Browse
What are we looking at? Bars & Panes Bars Panes
Let’s look at: Bars Title Bar Menu Bar Search Input Bars Server Status Bar Other Operations Application Icons Operations Bar
Let’s look at: Panes Navigation Pane Tabs Mode Root Nodes Navigation Tree
Navigation Panes: Options you can view in Acquisitions
Navigation Pane: Options you can view in Cataloging
Navigation Pane: Options you can view in Circulation
Normalization old New & improved!
Right-hand Panes Brief List and Full View Brief List Full information re. highlighted record
Sorted Index Button
Sorted Index View
Functional & Overview
Overview Mode [Navigation Map]
Viewing Multivolume records & looking at items
Viewing items Barcode search box
Jump to
Include Expanded AUT Data
Other features Panes & Columns can be Re-sized New Aleph is “Sticky” Colour tabs
Wrap-Up Questions?
Contacts for Aleph 16.2 Cataloguing Jocelyne Andrews Lise Hackett Joseph Hafner Joan Hobbins Karen Jensen Chris Oliver Pat Riva Ruth Sonksen Acquisitions Joanna Andrews Zafiro Bouwman Joan Hobbins Louise Nadeau Rosa Palucci Adele Toutant Serials Check-in Subgroup Elizabeth Gibson Brenda Stevenson Anne McMahon Debra Yee Adele Toutant Authorities Subgroup Barbara Finlay Pat Riva
Thank you!
Aleph 16 for Public Services Acquisitions
Order information in Functional Mode Searching by BIB Sys No. using the Order Bar in the Acquisitions module displays the Order Tab ‘Functional mode’ with the Order Info showing in the Order Display tab in the lower pane. You will have to scroll to see all the information. The example below shows an open order for system number
Order Information in Overview Mode You can also view the Order Info in the Overview Mode of the Order Tab or the Search Tab. This is very similar to the Nav Map order info in Aleph 14. Note that the order estimated price currency is now showing in the Order Info above the estimated local price.
Budget Code encumbered The Budget Code encumbered now shows in the Encumbrance tab only.
Claims and vendor replies in Functional Mode Highlight the Claims node in the Order root of the Navigation tree. The history of claims and/or vendor replies shows in the upper pane.
Searching for standing orders In the Search tab, select the ‘Find’ search Tab 1. Advanced Search. Select search parameters ‘Titles’ and ‘Format’ as shown below. Enter the series name and the format code for serials in the appropriate fields.
Click on the ‘Show’ button to see the brief list in the upper pane and the full record for the first title in the lower pane. In this case, the first entry is the standing order record and you can see that it is an open order because the ‘Copies/Status’ line shows ‘On order’.
Overview mode To get more order information, you can select the ‘Overview’ mode and look at the orders as you would have in the Nav Map in Aleph 14.
Orders tab in Functional Mode You can also push the record to the Orders tab and look at the ‘Order List’, the ‘Order Info’ or any tabs of the order. Make sure you highlight the correct order number in the order list in the upper pane.
Thank you!