Measuring and analysing public expenditures Data management Joanna Komorowska
Outline What information are we looking for? Sources of data Data management – the PE template
What information are we looking for? Policies that generate transfers in support of food and agriculture sector including: Detailed description of policy implementation criteria (for whom, how, for which commodity, under which conditions) Actual expenditure Source of funding (national and/or aid) Government level (national/subnational) at disaggregated level (MAFAP classification)
What information are we looking for? General characteristics of spending: Proportion of admin costs in total expenditures Recurrent versus development budget Ratio of actual spending and budget allocations Share of aid in budget allocations and share of aid in actual spending Aid type – loans versus grants Off-budget expenditures at aggregated level (derived indicators)
Sources of data Ministry of finance/planning Line ministries Other public institutions that provide support to agriculture but also Central bank (and for aid CRS db, AidData etc.)
Discussion question What are the main sources of data on public expenditures in Tanzania?
Template A simple Excel spreadsheet (PE_template.xls) 3 worksheets: Description of measures Public expenditures classification Other indicators that should be filled in this order
Description of measures worksheet
PE classification worksheet
Other indicators worksheet