Bullying by: Logan Lindbloom
❖ Bulling is kids picking on other kids because they look weak, or they been picked on and they`ve been picked on them selves
❖ 30% of kids are involved in bullying ❖ 6-10=13% of bullying ❖ 11% report bieng a target ❖ 6% report being bullies because they were bullied ❖ main_Full.jpg main_Full.jpg
❖ ❖ The solutions to the problem are hitting back ❖ Standing your ground ❖ Tell a teacher ❖ Tell some authority you know
❖ I think I would Stand My Ground because I would’nt put up with it ❖ If they hit me that was their choice and he started to hit and I would hit back ❖ If I saw somebody getting bulled I would stand up for them