Introduction to Space Weather Jie Zhang CSI 662 / PHYS 660 Spring, 2012 Copyright © Syllabus Jan. 26, 2012
Content Overview of Space Weather Part 1: The Sun 1.Structure of the Sun: Interior and atmosphere 2.Solar Magnetism: Sunspot, Active Region, Cycle and Dynamo 3.Corona: Magnetic Structure, Coronal Heating 4.Solar Storms: Flares, Filament Eruption and CMEs Part 2: The Heliosphere 1.Parker Spiral, Solar Wind, Corotating Interaction Region 2.Interplanetary Transients (ICMEs, Shocks) and SEPs Part 3: Magnetosphere 1.Geomagnetic Fields, Topology (Magnetopause, Polar Cusp. Tail) 2.Plasmas, Currents, Reconnection, Convection, Flux Transfer 3.Geomagnetic Storms, Substorms, Radiation Belts Part 4: Ionosphere 1.Structure and Variability 2.Radial Wave Reflection and Transmission Part 5: Space Weather Effects on Technological Systems
Text Book (required) By May-Britt Kallenrode “Space Physics: An Introduction to Plasmas and Particles in the Heliosphere and Magnetospheres” Third edition, 2004 Springer (ISBN: )
Supplement Text Books 1.Markus Aschwanden “Physics of the Solar Corona”, 2004 Praxis Publishing (ISBN: ) Supplement on the Sun; Graduate Level 2.Gerd W. Prölss “Physics of the Earth’s Space Environment”, 2002 Springer (ISBN: ) Supplement on Ionosphere and Neutral Upper Atmosphere; Graduate Level
Supplement Books on Space Plasma 1.Donald A. Gurnett and Amitava Bhattahcarjee “Introduction to Plasma Physics”, 2005 Cambridge (ISBN: ) Graduate Level 2.Tamas I. Gombosi “Physics of Space Environment”, 1998 Cambridge University Press (ISBN: X) Graduate Level
Other Supplement Books Delores, Knipp –“Understanding Space Weather and the Physics Behind it”, 2011 –McGraw Hill Company (ISBN-13: ) –Supplement on space weather concepts; upper undergraduate level Volker Bothmer and Ionannis A. Daglis “Space Weathe: Physics and Effects”, 2007 Springer (ISBN: ) Supplement on space weather science research, advanced graduate level
Other Supplement Books Carolus J. Schrijver & George L. Siscoe –A series of three books from NASA Living With A Star Summer School –Research oriented, advanced graduate level 1.“Heliophysics: Plasma Physics of the Local Cosmos”, “Heliophysics: Space Storms and Radiation: Causes and Effects”, “Heliophysics: Evolving Solar Activty and the Climates of Space and Earth”, 2010
Other Supplement Books Delores, Knipp –“Understanding Space Weather and the Physics Behind it”, 2011 –McGraw Hill Company (ISBN-13: ) –Supplement on space weather concepts; upper undergraduate level Volker Bothmer and Ionannis A. Daglis “Space Weathe: Physics and Effects”, 2007 Springer (ISBN: ) Supplement on space weather science research, advanced graduate level
Books on Lower Level 1.Kenneth R. Lang “The Sun from Space”, 2009 Springer (ISBN: ) Undergraduate Level 2.J. Lilensten and J. Bornarel “Space Weather, Environment and Society”, 2006 Springer (ISBN: ) Undergraduate Level 3.Mark Moldwin “An Introduction to Space Weather”, 2008 Cambridge (ISBN: ) Undergraduate Level, non-science major
Assignment and Grade Homework –Weekly homework to reinforce the understanding of physical processes Projects: Three projects on data analysis and numerical models –Numerical models are mainly from the NASA Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC at Exams –One mid-term, and one final (closed book) Grades: Homework (25%), Project (35%), Midterm (15%), Final Exam (25%)
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