Kirkcaldy West Primary School P4-7 Assembly 17 th December 2010 Successful Learners Confident Individuals Effective Contributors Responsible Citizens Believe to Achieve
KIRKCALDY Little Raith …. Fife’s first ever wind farm Factfile – Number of turbines 9 Height – Up to 85m Blade tip height – Up to 126m ….expected to have the wind turbines up and running by the end of 2011 Fife Free Press ….expected to have the wind turbines up and running by the end of 2011 Fife Free Press
W acky World out-of-plastic-bottles
E nough Already! Christmas Reduce, Reuse, Recycle What are you going to choose to do to make your Christmas greener?
S chool’s In Certificates Eco Week videos Asthma Uk – Edinburgh Visit £1 for a hound day £314 – DF, SW, FR and AC visiting Second Chance Kennels this afternoon Tartan Army Children’s Charity
Eco Week On location videos: P5aP5b
We met Marilyn Livingstone our MSP
We bumped into this famous this famous footballer! footballer!
T imes Past The Twelve Days of Christmas What does this song celebrate? Clue - 5 th January
A thought for today …… There has been only one Christmas, the rest are anniversaries. the rest are anniversaries. W.J. Cameron Believe to Achieve