Aggregator Performs aggregate calculations Components of the Aggregator Transformation Aggregate expression Group by port Sorted Input option Aggregate cache Aggregate Functions AVG, COUNT, FIRST, LAST, MAX, MEDIAN, MIN, PERCENTILE, STDDEV, SUM, VARIANCE
Filter It provides the means for filtering rows in a mapping All ports in a Filter transformation are input/output Only rows that meet the condition pass through it Cannot concatenate ports from more than one transformation into the Filter transformation To maximize session performance, include the Filter transformation as close to the sources in the mapping as possible Does not allow setting output default values
Router A Router transformation tests data for one or more conditions and gives the option to route rows of data that do not meet any of the conditions to a default output group There are two types of output groups: User-defined groups Default group Create one user-defined group for each condition that you want to specify
Filter and Router – Compare
Sequence Generator Generates numeric values It provides two output ports: NEXTVAL and CURRVAL These ports can not be edited or deleted Can not add ports to the sequence generator transformation When NEXTVAL is connected to the input port of another transformation, the Informatica Server generates a sequence of numbers
Stored Procedure Transformation A Stored Procedure transformation is an important tool for populating and maintaining databases a precompiled collection of Transact-SQL statements and optional flow control statements, similar to an executable script used to call a stored procedure The stored procedure must exist in the database before creating a Stored Procedure transformation One of the most useful features of stored procedures is the ability to send data to the stored procedure, and receive data from the stored procedure There are three types of data that pass between the Informatica Server and the stored procedure: Input/Output parameters - For many stored procedures, you provide a value and receive a value in return Return values - Most databases provide a return value after running a stored procedure Status codes - Status codes provide error handling for the Informatica Server during a session
Sorter A Sorter Transformation is used to sort Data. Types of Sorting: Ascending/Descending Case Sensitive - Does Case sensitive ascending or descending sort. Distinct - Gives distinctly sorted output rows. A sorter can be used to sort data from a Relational Source or a Flat file. The Sort key has to be specified based on which the sort would be done.