1 The Night the Moon Fell Day 4
Question of the week: Why are some changes difficult?
How do they stay the same? Unit’s Big Question: How do things change? How do they stay the same? 3
Concept Talk What is a landmark in your neighborhood that would serve as a guide to newcomers? Library, post office, playground
A Narrative poem.... ....Can be humorous or dramatic. ....usually has a regular rhyme and rhythm.
Narrative poem Listen for this poem to includes the story elements of: character, setting, plot and theme.
The Brand New Kid Today you will hear about a boy names Lazlo who must adjust to a difficult change in “The Brand New Kid” by Katie Couric.
Why was it difficult for Lazlo to make friends at his new school? Anchored Talk Let’s add No one knows what you are like to our idea map. Why was it difficult for Lazlo to make friends at his new school? Lazlo looked different and he spoke with an accent.
Phonics Review: ou, ow, oi,oy What do you know about the vowel sounds in these words? found cow soil toy
ou ow oi oy crouch crowd choices enjoy outfit towel oily annoy count plow checkpoint oyster surround powder rejoice soybean flour tower spoil boyhood
Spiral Review school summer booklet raincoat closer put move David Shannon raincoat closer put move David bulldog friend oatmeal pretty good downstream rowboat pilot lookout love pull
My friend read a booklet on how to become a good pilot. Move the rowboat closer to the lookout point downstream. The bulldogs love to pull on their leashes.
David had oatmeal and a mug of milk before school. In the summer storm Shannon put on a pretty raincoat.
Decodable Practice Reader 19C
Spelling Words downstairs football cowboy houseboat railroad rainbow boyhood oatmeal soybean roadway outplay daydream Spelling Words
Spelling Challenge Words needlepoint downspout coattail Spelling Challenge Words
E-Mail E-mail is short for electronic mail. An e-mail message is sent from one computer to another.
E-Mail An e-mail is like a letter, but its addressed and sent in a different way.
E-Mail Good readers summarize an e-mail message. Genre: e-mail; electronic mail Have you ever sent or received an e-mail?
page 148-149
Comprehension What is the purpose of this selection? Where is Beth’s e-mail address in this sample e- mail?
Comprehension How is this a typical e-mail address? What is the subject of the message?
Comprehension What do you do after you type the recipient's e-mail address? How would you summarize the important ideas in Colleen’s e- mail message?
Adverbs that tell when and where We always go inside before dark.
Writing- Narrative Poem Yesterday we wrote a poem about changes in our lives. Today we will revise. We can add sentences to tell more about how we feel.
Revise Make sure your poem tells a story.
Revise Use your own voice to connect with your readers. Add sentences, punctuation marks, and changing words to make your writing better!
Quick write for fluency Choose the one that best shows the writer’s voice.... We got a new puppy that you should see. I like it when he plays with me. I laugh with glee when he plays with me.
Complete the second sentence I saw the puppy at the gate. I said, “______”. You are great!
Media Literacy A graphic is a visual presentation, such as a picture, and illustration, a photo, a map, or a graphic organizer. A graphic could be a mural on a wall, a photo, diagram in a book, magazine, newspaper, video on a TV, movie screen, or the internet.
Media Literacy Graphics convey information. Sometimes this information is factual and can be proven. Sometimes it expresses opinions, which are a person’s thought or beliefs about something. Something graphics can present misleading information.
Media Literacy Good users of media thing carefully about the type of information presented in a graphic. They are on the lookout for misleading information, and they are careful to separate facts from opinion.
Research and Inquiry Review your topic to see if you have the information you set out to find. We planned to find out about why some changes are difficult changes. What kinds of changes are difficult? These give me good examples and ideas about why a change might be difficult.
Wrap Up Your Day Tomorrow we will hear more about a girl who changes her attitude toward the new kid.