Where is Washington? › Mt. Vernon Who will be president? › Pres. John Adams (Federalist) -- or – › Pres. Thomas Jefferson (Dem-Rep.) Constitution states runner up will be VP – OPPS! › Adams won the election but Jefferson was now the VP
Placing the interests of one region over the nation as a whole! › North – votes for Adams › South – votes for Jefferson
“Always honest, often great, but sometimes mad.” Adams administration led to a leveling of executive prestige because of his personality John Quincy Adams’ (son of John Adams) as a “chip off the old family glacier.” Adams was the most knowledgeable and experienced of the early presidents he attempted to be above party and politics and thus lost the support and respect of both parties had respect but little admiration from the masses “He was a tactless, prickly intellectual aristocrat, with no appeal to the masses, and with no desire to cultivate any.”
› Abigail Adams (John Adam’s wife) › “Remember the Ladies” - letter written to remind her husband of women’s struggle for rights
Like Washington, wants to AVOID War France = mad at America › Jay’s Treaty - alliance with Britain › No support for French Revolution - Not holding up Treaty of 1778 – alliance w/ France) French response: capture American ships Adams sends 3 delegates to “talk it out”
America’s 3 delegates were supposed to meet with Talleyrand (French foreign minister) Talleyrand sent 3 lower level French officials (XYZ) They demanded a $250,000 bribe payment to see Talleyrand and in order to stop seizing American ships › America NEVER paid a thing! “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute” › Rather fight than honor bribes
1. UNDECLARED WAR BETWEEN THE U.S AND THE FRENCH 2. Nativism – anti immigrant feeling / major support for your own country (escalates) 3. Nationalism – deep devotion or pride in one’s country (escalates)
Most Federalists wanted war › Loyalty to the Crown › War = more supplies = more industry Where are most Federalists located? › War = Strong national government Adams wanted to remain neutral › US is WEAK!!!!! › This would have increased his popularity
Armed neutrality › Navy Dept › Ship building, naval yards › Tried to expand army Adams resisted –Why? – if you give a president an army, he’s likely to use it Convention of 1800 – eased tension › avoided the French alliance › established a commercial treaty with France
1. Undeclared war between France and the US 2. Nativism – anti immigrant feeling / major support for your own country (escalates) 3. Nationalism – deep devotion or pride in one’s country (escalates)
Immigrants generally supported the Democratic-Republicans more than the Federalists President Adams = Federalist What to do? What to do? Keep immigrants out!!!
Naturalization Act - increased the residence requirement for citizenship from 5 to 14 years › WHY? most aliens became Democratic Republicans election of 1800 at hand
Alien Act - gave the President authority to deport those aliens he considered a threat to the peace and safety of the United States
Sedition Act - made it illegal to incite riot, insurrection, or to criticize high government officials Which amendment does this negate?
problems stemmed not so much from the act as from its application › partisan enforcement particularly against Republican newspaper editors › Democratic -Republican newspaper described Adams as “Blind, bald, toothless, and querulous.” - which was three quarters true but irrelevant › more than 25 Republican newspaper editors are jailed
Compact Theory/Contract Theory › 13 states created the federal govt › National government was the agent of the states. › Individual states were the final judges of the national government's actions Nullification › states could void any act of Congress that they found unconstitutional › VA – Madison › KY - Jefferson
Adams = Federalist = appointed John Marshall as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court = Marshall = Federalist = Strong Central Gov’t Judiciary Act of 1801 – Adams increased the number of circuit court justices by 16 and filled each of these positions with a Federalist judge
Midnight before Adams left office, he appointed FEDERALIST Judges to the Circuit Courts › WHY????????? Problem: Jefferson (Democrat- Republican) is president the next day and said some were invalid because documents weren’t delivered on time
Marbury - Midnight Judge Madison - Sect of State was supposed to deliver papers according the Judiciary Act of 1789 Marbury never got papers and sued John Marshall (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court) ruled Marbury’s claim was UNCONSTITUTIONAL
OUTCOME: › JUDICIAL REVIEW – the ability for the Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress Unconstitutional
Thomas Jefferson wins with the help of Alexander Hamilton (tie breaker) 1 st Democratic Republican President. 1 st peaceful transition of power from one party to another There will be no more Federalist Presidents.
Those who knew Jefferson knew they had nothing to fear from him Hamilton - “The new president will not lend himself to dangerous innovations, but in essential points will tread in the steps of his predecessors” Jefferson’s basic philosophy › “that government is best which governs least” › wished to establish a “wise, frugal government, which shall restrain man from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement.” “We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists”
President can appoint anyone to office regardless of qualifications › Merit system – you earn your keep Presidential prerogative is employed, but only a mild bloodletting occurs Jefferson complains that appointments “seldom die and never resign”
Washington was well suited for a frugal, unpretentious government › Pennsylvania Avenue was stump lined with swamps and the threat of malaria › Jefferson established no preferential seating at state dinners with the result that all the ladies rushed to be close to him - mob scenes › diplomats greeted by Jefferson in robe and slippers
French persuaded Spain to return the Louisiana Territory French rule could take over the mid- continent ????? Would we have to form an alliance with Britain again? French decide to sell the territory to America!!! 15 MILLION
Jefferson’s STRICT interpretation of the Constitution made him doubt the purchase Why was Jefferson apprehensive about the Louisiana Purchase??? Importance: Doubled the size of America
Commissioned by Jefferson Purpose: Explore West and make new maps (St. Louis to Pacific) Expedition took 2 years and 4 months Sacajawea = Native American guide