Summarizing… 1. You will need a piece of paper and an Evergreen textbook 2. Head your paper with the normal heading with the subject, Magnet Summaries. How do you summarize? Explain, in detailed steps, how you go about summarizing a text. Share with your neighbor.
Magnet Summaries
“Why I Stayed and Stayed” by an anonymous writer, pg. 250 in Evergreen 1 st Paragraph WordsSummary 2 nd Paragraph WordsSummary 1.8 million, women, battered, largest case of injury to women in U.S., (she) suffered for years, “Why did you wait so long to leave him?”, many reasons The author of “Why I Stayed” states that battery on women is the largest case of injury to women in the United States. In her article she will explain her reasons for not leaving her husband sooner. Born in male dominant country, stayed for sake of children, father, relatives convinced, all they knew The author was born in a country that the families convinced these women to stay with their husbands for the children’s sake. They felt that they needed a father in the home. Because most all women stayed, it was all they knew to do.
Final Summary! Look at your WORDS column. Circle no more than 10 of the most important words from the entire article. Then, create a final summary with your 10 words. 1 million battered women, largest in US.. “Why did I wait so long?” Relatives convince d All I knew Believed it was my fault Realized … fought back 911“You can break the chain” Why I Stayed and Stayed The author of this article states that 1 million woman are battered in the U.S. She has been constantly asked, Why did she wait so long to leave? She explains that the country she grew up in did not have many that would do something about the abuse and family convinced woman to stay with their husbands for various reasons. She finally realized to protect her daughter, she had to do something and ultimately called 911. Her husband can no longer contact here. She is safe. Her most important message to women who are being abused are, “You can break the chain.”
Quick Write! Have you summarized before? How was summarizing different today than the other times?