Prison Negative Pay Fucking Attention
Topicality Topicality Substantial-Not Many People in Prisons, Not Much Money] Topicality Subsets
Congress Counterplan The Aff Has The Court Mandate That the Congress Has to Fund Prisons The Negative Can Just Have Congress Fund the Prison Health Care Court D/A’s Are Net-Benefits
States Counterplan States Fund That shit [No Court] Doesn’t Solve Federal Prisons Politics and Supreme Court DA Net- Beneift
Legitimacy DA The Plan Pisses Everyone Off Makes the Court Look Crazy That Would Undermine the Rule of Law etc. Use Impacts in File to Turn the Aff
Court Stripping DA Congress Gets Mad at the Courts Telling Them What to Do As a Result Congress Doesn’t DO What the Courts Tell them and Strips the Court [Jacks all their 8th ammendment business] NOT A Net-Benefit to the Congress CP [Congress Usually is not Totally nuts]
Politics DA The Plan Would Cost Some Political Capital [Although My Fucking Group Cut More Cards on Popular though]. But the Courts?! The Congress Still Has to Choose to Enforce the Court They’d Probably Make a big ass hubabaloo About Having to Do this Obama Would Look weak by being bossed around by the Court
Fiscal Discipline It Links Cause they spend money Problem: Its Fucking Stupid
Case Win Ethics isn’t That Important [Maybe We should be more concerned about, ya know, People that Don’t’ Commit Crimes] Win Disease Not big/They Can’t Solve it
Critique Foucault K They Do Shit Like Vaccination, Screening In order to ensure the Health of Public [Strong Link] Assume Prisoners are Diseased [Weak Link]