Page 1 Gender Differences
Page 2 Program Objectives + To improve communication between members of the opposite sex.
Page 3 A Challenge Please write a one sentence definition of Gender Communication (and a few of the challenges you have experienced).
Page 4 Definition (1 of 2) l Sexual identity, especially in relation to society or culture. l The condition of being female or male; sex. l Females or males considered as a group: expressions used by one gender.
Page 5 Definition (2 of 2) Gender refers to the social relationship/ roles and responsibilities of men and women, the expectations held about the characteristics, aptitudes and likely behaviours of both women and men (femininity and masculinity) that are learned, change over time and vary within and between cultures.
Page 6 General Differences (1 of 2) Women Value: Communication Connection Relationships
Page 7 General Differences (2 of 2) Men Value: Independence Power Accomplishments
Page 8 The Gender World View Woman’s Social World A Network of Cooperation Men’s Social World A Hierarchy of Power
Page 9 Gender Differences (1 of 2) Report vs. Rapport –Men are externally focused and often view situations as issues to be resolved. They talk to inform others.
Page 10 Gender Differences (2 of 2) Report vs. Rapport –Women are internally focused and often talk as a way to connect and relate to others.
Page 11 Four Parts (A Recap) (1 of 2) 1.Problem Solving Ventilating vs. Curing 2.Communicating Needs And Desires Hinting vs. Telling
Page 12 Four Parts (A Recap) (2 of 2) 3.Understanding a Situation & Relating Gossip vs. Privacy 4.General Approach To Situations (Competition vs. Cooperation)