Applications of Bernoulli’s Principle
faster speed slower speed more pressureless pressure If no change in height: P + ½ρv 2 = constant P+ ρgy + ½ ρv 2 = constant
As the speed of a fluid increases, the pressure in the fluid decreases. P α 1/v
Motion of fluid energykinetic Pressure in fluidenergy potential KE + PE is constant
d d/4 v If incompressible fluid (density = ρ), change in pressure?
Bernoulli & Flight Bernoulli’sBernoulli’s Principle is what allows birds and planes to fly. TheThe secret behind flight is ‘under the wings.’
AIRFOIL On top: greater air speed and less air pressure On bottom: less air speed and more air pressure
v1v1 v2v2 Net force on wing? ½ Aρ(v 2 2 – v 1 2 ) ρ air = 1.29 kg/m 3
Spoiler – airfoil reversed greater air speed less pressure less air speed more pressure net force: downward
Racecar Spoiler provides better traction and avoids lift
Wind over a roof v v = 0 p atm p roof P atm = P roof + ½ ρv 2
slow air speed fast air speed
Curve Ball
Golf ball dimples
Winds over a mountain
Shower Curtain
Atomizer – As air passes at top of tube, the pressure decreases and fluid is drawn up the tube.