Ireland’s Contribution to Shape the Global Humanitarian Agenda Post 2016 Pat Gibbons – UCD’s Centre for Humanitarian Action
What is Humanitarian Action? Saving lives alleviating suffering and supporting life with dignity for disaster affected people Characterised by humanitarian principles HUMANITY/ IMPARTIALITY/ NEUTRALITY/ INDEPENDENCE
PURPOSE “We look to the World Humanitarian Summit to generate strong global support for bold changes in humanitarian action. This is the only way we will meet the enormous challenges we face in the coming years and decades.” 20 April 2015
Background and Rationale Growing deficit between need and available resources Global drive for change, evidenced by: Sendai, SDGs, COP 21, Urban Dev Realisation of new challenges and threats of 21 st Century
problem Humanitarian action is not keeping pace with rapid global changes and we need to redefine how the global community supports the world’s most vulnerable
Key Question(s) and GOAL KEY QUESTION How does the humanitarian system need to change to address the challenges of the 21 st century? GOAL of WHS To establish a Humanitarian Agenda Post-2016 More specifically How to improve effectiveness? How to reduce vulnerabilities and manage risk? How to encourage innovation? How to better serve needs in conflict?
Global research design Literature review – thematic teams (4) Data on current context Framework to guide research Regional consultations (8) Constituent consultations (private, youth, elderly, women) National consultations (151) Online consultations Other global process (e.g. EU consultations)
Six regional consultations
WHS consultative process
Captures the outcome of…..* 151 countries where consultations have been held 23,000+ people consulted 1,400 comments received online 27,650 times the online discussions have been viewed *as of 20 July written submissions
National research design Representation on the Humanitarian Effectiveness thematic team at global level – Director of UCD’s Centre for Humanitarian Action Established an Irish Humanitarian Secretariat at UCD staffed by Project Manager and Web Administrator Governed by National Steering Committee Significant representation at European consultation Engagement in constituent consultations Established direct links to UN World Humanitarian Secretariat – supported by Web Administrator
Phase 1 *Formulated positions of key stakeholders groupings *Employed questionnaire and FGDs *Informed by the WHS study frameworks Phase 2 *Identified priority issues and strategies for proposed Agenda *Employed series of cross stakeholder FGDs *Informed by the findings of Phase 1 Phase 3 *Irish Humanitarian Summit *President of Ireland + two Minister with 230 humanitarians *Recommendations for the WHS *Identified suggested undertakings for Irish Humanitarian System Phase 4 * Progressing Suggested Undertaking *Preparing Head of State for the WHS *Monitoring progress on Agenda Post-2016 Phase 5 – Review Global Agenda Post-2016 – Develop Irish Agenda Post 2016 Jan – April 2016July 2015Jan-April 2015 Sept – DEC 2015
Engagement in Irish Process Phase NGOs, 7 HEIs, 4 Gov Depts, 32 diaspora reps, 8 businesses Phase 2 – 4 days focus group discussions, 160 humanitarian experts from all stakeholders groups Phase 3 – President of Ireland, 2 Ministers, 2 UN delegates, 230 participants from all stakeholders groups
Findings/ analysis – what needs to be done Global ProcessNational Process Dignity Empower affected people/ close gender gap/ inclusion People-centred humanitarian response Uphold existing codes and standards/ meaningful dialogue with people/ inclusion/ accountability Safety Improved political action/ uphold IHL/ improved protection strategies Commitment to IHL and Principles Establish compliance facilities/ training for combatants/ diplomacy/ subsidiarity Resilience Better links with development and peacebuilding/ adaptation to new challenges Improved policy on protection and GBV New culturally sensitive approaches and strategies/ capacity building/ GBV inclusion for all contexts Partnerships Governance locally/ Respect for principles/ protection/ trust and accountability Improved DRR and community resilience Support national governments/ funding preparedness and resilience locally/ technologies Finance Leverages diverse sources/ new financing tools/ Localise preparedness and response Build relations with vulnerable states/ promote south-south relations/ maintain presence/ trust
Global Consultation – concluding the wider consultation Held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 14 to 16 October 2015, the consultation aimed at discussing and refining the proposals outlined in the Synthesis Report and capture additional ideas. The meeting brought together 1,194 participants from 153 countries, representing different stakeholder groups. Irish Consultative Process was referenced 8 times in the synthesis report. The synthesis report together with deliberations in Geneva guided the report of the United Nations’ Secretary-General which conveys his vision for the Summit and beyond and set the tone and ambition for a global Agenda for Humanity.
UN Photo/Albert González Farran Next steps
Moving forward Collectively develop ideas to turn the proposals into concrete actions Develop an action plan to mobilize support behind the proposals Focus on developing partnerships, pilots and initiatives to take to the Summit and beyond Identify common ground between Global Agenda and Ireland’s recommendations/ suggested undertakings Agree an Irish Humanitarian AGENDA
Examples of emerging initiatives of relevance to UCD Discussions to engage with Ireland’s Consortium on Gender Based Violence to establish a quality postgraduate certificate programme for an International audience Coordinator of Horizon 2020 programme on Preparedness and Resilience to reduce Urban Vulnerabilities – PRUV – with test sites in Jakarta – Nairobi - Bogota Plans to establishing an Irish Humanitarian Innovation Hub – together with a range of partners including UCDNOVA Engaging in the theoretical and conceptual debate globally on strengthening the Principles for an improved Humanitarian System post-2016
Milestones ahead Secretary General’s report Feb 9 th Document for Irish Head of State – to bring to Istanbul April 30th World Humanitarian Summit, May 2016 Irish humanitarian agenda July 2016
Thank you