Implementation of the national support programmes in the wine sector between Management Committee 14 October 2013 DG AGRI – Unit C.3 - Wine, Alcohol, Spirit drinks, Tobacco, Seeds and Hops VI(13)7758
Management Committee 14 October Support programmes BG, CZ, DE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LT, LU, HU, MT, AT, PT, RO, SI, SK, UK Budget : 4,088 Billion € Spending : 3,985 Billion € - execution rate: 97% Support programmes
Management Committee 14 October Use of particular measures between
Management Committee 14 October
5 Restructuring and conversion of vineyards (44% of funds in )
Management Committee 14 October Promotion on third-country markets (9% of funds in )
Management Committee 14 October Investments (8% of funds in )
Management Committee 14 October Conclusions after 4 years of implementation: Member States maintained high execution rate (average 97%) Restructuring and conversion of vineyards remains the most privileged measure and gains importance. New measures introduced by the 2008 reform also become more important (especially investments and promotion) and should increase even more in 2013 (in particular investments)