Recap questions Candidates should be able to: distinguish between growth and development; explain the relationship between growth and development; understand the details and limitations of GDP per capita and HDI (Human Development Index) as measures of development;
Today’s Objective 1. To understand the structure of F585 exam and assessment criteria 2. Apply your economic toolkit in relation to the pre-release theme to evaluate economic policies in relation to development and the effects of globalisation
Extract 3 amendment
Understanding how questions are determined and marks awarded Specification: Evaluate the impact of multinational firms Evaluate the effectiveness of policies to promote development. Policies to promote economic development include; the role of the market and the state, and international trade Extract question: Comment on how the multinational firms within Zambia have contributed to its development? Comment on whether the Zambian Government’s policy of ‘resource nationalisation’ will increase the rate of development? 50 click here to start timer
Mark Scheme – 10 markers Level 1: (1 mark) For knowledge and understanding of MNC/Govt intervention/Development Level 2: (2 – 3 marks) For an application of knowledge and understanding of how MNC/Govt nationalisation can aid development Level 2 responses are characterised by valid but generalised statements without a reasoned chain of argument and are not underpinned by economic concepts. Level 3: (4 – 6 marks) For an analysis of how MNC/Govt nationalisation can aid development In Level 4 award marks as follows: one stated point of evaluation = seven marks two or more stated points of evaluation = eight marks one developed comment = 9 marks two developed comments or one comment with two points of development = 10 marks
Read extract 4 – Identify potential questions
Specification Links Understand the different characteristics of globalisation; Analyse the influences on the different flows of international finance; Evaluate the effects of different flows of international finance;
Human face of these extracts What do you know about Tajikistan?
Migration and Remittances Apply your economic toolkit to the question that could be attached to extract 4. Either: Analyse Evaluate Supporting evidence: mrshearingeconomicsmrshearingeconomics
Today’s Objective 1. To understand the structure of F585 exam and assessment criteria 2. Apply your economic toolkit in relation to the pre-release theme to evaluate economic policies in relation to development and the effects of globalisation