Pre-historic Britain Tuulike Valliste Merlyn Mannov 10. A
The Iberians The Iberian Peninsula Spain North Africa 3000 BC The British Isles
Skilled riders The bow and the arrows Women fought together with the men Priestess Buildings of stone and wood
The Celts From the British Isles to Gallatia The Gaels came around 600 BC The Cymri or Britons around 300 BC The primitive system Gaelic, Irish, and Welsh
Stonehenge Stonehenge is the oldest prehistoric monument in Europe. Stonehenge is located in the English country of Wiltshire. It consisted originally of a circle of 30 upright stones to form a continuous circle about 30 m across.
The stones are aligned almost perfectly with the sunrise on the summer solstice. Stonehenge was built by the people of the late Neolithic period (around 3000 BC) and carried forward by people from a new economy which was arising at this time. Stonehenge is considered to be connected with the sun and the passing of the seasons. Stonehenge was built in several stages from about 3000 BC.
Stone-age art A series of intricate designs of concentric circles, interlocking rings and hollowed cups. The art is thought to be the work of Neolithic man. 2,500 examples of this kind of art exists in England.
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