Stonehenge By: Aaron Kardynal Why Are The Stones There?
How Old is Stonehenge? It was supposedly built around 30,000 BC The site was apparently abandoned and rebuilt between 2,100 BC and 1,800 BC Most of Stonehenge was built around 4,500 years ago
Where Are The Rocks From? The rocks that form the outer circle are from Prescelly Mountain which is about 240 miles away The rocks that form the inner circle are from Marlborough Downs which is about 20 miles away
What Are The Rocks Made Of? Blue Stone Whelsh SandstoneSarsen Stone Some of the rocks are made from Blue stone Others are made from Sarsen stone and Whelsh sandstone
How Tall Are The Rocks? Most of the rocks are feet tall The stones are 6.5 feet wide and 3 feet thick The stones of the inner circle are 26 feet high The stones of the outer circle are 10 feet high
How Much Did The Stones Weigh? Each stone apparently weighs about tons Each stone apparently weighs about 50 tons Some of the stones weigh 45 tons
How Did The Stones Get There? They think people pulled the stones with ropes They also think people pushed them with large sticks
Where Is Stonehenge? The Salisbury plains in England In the English country of Wiltshire In the continent of Europe
Who first discovered Stonehenge And When? Nobody discovered it because it was never lost
Why Are The Stones Where They Are? Scientists think they are where they are because of astronomical events One of the astronomical events is the winter solstice
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My Opinion I think it was built because of astronomical events First, one reason why is because the sun rests on top of one of the rocks at the winter solstice Second, because the same thing but on a different rock and for the summer solstice Finally, because some star formations are very visible from Stonehenge
Websites Where I Got The Info "About Stonehenge." - Your Guide to Stonehenge, the World's Favourite Megalithic Stone Circle. Web. 21 Nov "How Old Is Stonehenge?" British Embassy in the United States. Web. 21 Nov "How Old Is Stonehenge." The Q&A Wiki. Web. 21 Nov Web. 21 Nov "Stonehenge." - British History Travel. Web. 21 Nov "Stonehenge." Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe. Web. 21 Nov < "Stonehenge Facts." - Over 60,000 Postal History and Philatelic Covers Only 60c to $1.50 Each. Web. 21 Nov "Stonehenge." Web. 21 Nov "Who Discovered Stonehenge | Ask Kids Answers." AskKids Answers | Web. 21 Nov "Why Was Stonehenge Built." The Q&A Wiki. Web. 21 Nov