What are you going to be?. Brush your phonetics! I am a doctor He is a farmer She is a farmer too I am not a computer operator And I love you!


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Presentation transcript:

What are you going to be?

Brush your phonetics! I am a doctor He is a farmer She is a farmer too I am not a computer operator And I love you!

What are you going to be? Make pairs! an artist a teacher a nanny а postal worker а pilot а doctor а mechanic а model а salesperson A farmer учитель медсестра врач механик артист модель почтальон пилот Продавец фермер

To be Present Simple – am, is, are. I- am, he, she, it. Past Simple- was, were. I,he,she,it. We,you,they.

Fill in the blanks ! My sister … a nurse. You … a baker. They … engineers. I … a fireman. My parents … doctors. Tom and John … pilots. He … a good farmer. We … students. His father … a policeman. I … a clown. Am, is, are. Was, were

Guess different professions Who works in a field? Who works with computers? Who helps sick animals? Who helps children to learn? Who makes new cars? Who helps doctors?

Make pairs a teacher a doctor a policeman a clown a postman a dancer a fireman a baker a dentist a pupil a) He bakes bread. b) He works in a circus. c) He takes care of our teeth. d) He fights fires. e) She studies at school. f) He delivers letters. g) She gives pupils homework. h) He helps sick people. i) He protects people. j) She works in a theatre