Improving the Key Stage 2 to 3 Transition Context Limited primary and secondary Head Teacher meetings Limited transition opportunities Pastoral and SEN visit in July One curriculum model Disadvantaged gap Each subject based lined with no reference to levels Key Stage 3 tracking was not reliable
Consequences No valuable learning data – only levels and pastoral/SEN information Lack of detailed KS2 knowledge Curriculum model did not enable personalised offer for MA, English and maths. Disadvantaged gap was evident throughout the school Data was not robust Year 7 and 8 did not make rapid progress Actions Joint primary/secondary Head Teacher meetings Openly discussed key priorities Agreed actions (no gimmicks!) Stockton LA – Transition Guarantee
Maths Phase One Level 6 Teaching 95% Success Year 7 – continuous learning Improved awareness of KS2 New KS 3 Scheme of Learning Phase Two Shanghai Project Joint lessons observations Joint planning Development of mastery mathsEnglish Phase One Joint Observation / Moderation KS 3 Scheme of Learning changed TLR changed to focus on Year 6 to 8 Improved KS 2 awareness Phase Two Higher level Reading / Writing Secondary teachers lead a bespoke programme Paired readers from secondary school Reading initiative within Egglescliffe
Engagement Year 5 & 6 Sports Day Year 5 & 6 Frozen Sing Year 9-11 Student Ambassadors Year 7 students lead on Year 6 Open Evening Year 12 students Lunchtime supervisors
Stockton Transition Guarantee Every secondary school attends at least one moderation of Key Stage 2 primary work in the Spring Term or Summer Term. Cross-phase work is part of the annual programme for the Secondary Collaborative Network and every secondary school attends the Collaborative Network (for both English and Maths). A consistent approach to scoring attainment is agreed and used by all schools. Schools use Stockton’s Sprint Tracker to record pupil attainment and coverage of the curriculum in maths, reading, writing and science, and this information is passed to schools at the point of transition. Schools follow the ‘Moving Forward’ transition package of protocols and proformas. Primary schools are informed of the key stage 4 outcomes for pupils previously taught in their schools. There is an agreed borough-wide transition week for all pupils and schools.
Key Stage 3: the wasted years? “the quality of teaching and the rate of pupils’ progress and achievement were not good enough” Key Stage 3: accelerating progress Revised SoL Transition Portfolio Primary visits (Oct/Nov) to review Year 7 work with the students CATs and current levels Revised skills, knowledge and application assessment in Year 7. “slow progress made in English and mathematics and the lack of challenge for the most able pupils” Level 6 / high ability teaching by secondary teachers leading to seamless transition to Year 7 Key staff in key groups Revised SoL
Key Stage 3: the wasted years? “Many secondary schools did not work effectively with partner primary schools to understand pupils’ prior learning and ensure they build on it” Key Stage 3: accelerating progress Joint lesson observations and moderation of work Teaching Year 6 pupils Revise SoL “the pupil premium.. not effectively used in Key Stage 3.. To ensure that gaps …. Continued to close on transition to secondary” Year group English intervention Maths intervention Reading /Literacy After school support zone Targeted Mentoring Mentoring from tutor Target Careers advice 7 8 9 10 11
Leadership and Management AAHT - Transition Learning Key Stage 2 to 3 Enrichment Leadership of activities KS2 to 3 portfolio Subject Leaders Maths English Key Stage 3 – Lead Teachers Science History PE Staffing Structure MeetingStructure Review of previous transition Primary priorities Secondary priorities Agreed actions, resources and timescales Year 6 teachers meet former students now in Year 7 for a book review On-going review of transition projects Assessment without levels Transition for vulnerable students 7 individualised programme developed Summer transition programme confirmed
Future Priorities Assessment without levels Key Stage 2 learning Humanities curriculum and assessment across KS2-3 Key Stage 3 – revised schemes of learning Reporting to parents Stretch and challenge