Brussels /16 – FP7 ICT Challenge 7 Info-Days FP7 – ICT Challenge 7 Parallel session 4 : 16 January 9:30 Embedding accessibility in mainstream ICT François Junique (Project Officer) Unit ”ICT for Inclusion” (H3)
Brussels /16 – FP7 ICT Challenge 7 Info-Days ICT for Inclusion PS4 – Slide 2 Challenge7 - relevant WP extracts for Call 2 … mainstreaming and radically improving the accessibility and usability of new ICT solutions. This should ensure a better adoption and acceptance of ICT by people with disabilities, functional limitations or lacking digital competences, and may have a large spill-over effect to the wider society. … a multi-disciplinary and user-centred approach to RTD combining advanced technology research and systems level integration. … resulting solutions should meet user requirements and achieve wide acceptance. … help create important new market opportunities for European industry and establish global leadership in inclusive ICT.
Brussels /16 – FP7 ICT Challenge 7 Info-Days ICT for Inclusion PS4 – Slide 3 Call2 - §1: embedding accessibility - the “text” New approaches & solutions for deeply embedding generalised accessibility support within future mainstream ICT-based products & services. It includes open, plug & play accessibility architectures & standards enabling a seamless integration of personalised assistive solutions for ICT access. The research is expected to develop & demonstrate the proposed solutions in a realistic user context … strong industrial participation … to promote consensus building & facilitate exploitation. Integrated Project
Brussels /16 – FP7 ICT Challenge 7 Info-Days ICT for Inclusion PS4 – Slide 4 Call2 - §1: embedding accessibility - Expected impact Mainstreamed accessibility of ICT and radical improvement in accessibility of future ICT products & services by people with disabilities & functional limitations. Open, standards-based and seamless interfacing of general purpose and assistive ICT Embed personalised accessibility features deep into mass-market ICT technology design. Facilitated development & production of accessible ICT products & services through the availability of new tools & methods to allow developers to verify & optimise accessibility at all development stages.
Brussels /16 – FP7 ICT Challenge 7 Info-Days ICT for Inclusion PS4 – Slide 5 “Continuity” : Design for All principles (reminder) 1.Design of ICT products, services & applications which are demonstrably suitable for most of the potential users without any modifications. 2.Design of products which are easily adaptable to different users (e.g. by incorporating adaptable or customisable user interfaces). 3.Design of products which have standardised interfaces, capable of being accessed by specialised user interaction devices [Assistive Technologies]. How to achieve it ? (in addition to education and awareness raising …) RESEARCH & DEMO of Architectures & Standards
Brussels /16 – FP7 ICT Challenge 7 Info-Days ICT for Inclusion PS4 – Slide 6 Call2 - §1: embedding accessibility - Examples Embedding accessibility user interfaces & content representations adaptable to people with specific needs. Future ICT Products & Services digital terrestrial & mobile television next generation mobile handsets web 2.0 Content Management Systems Digital Rights Management solutions virtual/immersive environments home appliances
Brussels /16 – FP7 ICT Challenge 7 Info-Days ICT for Inclusion PS4 – Slide 7 Call2 - §1: embedding accessibility - State of the Art ? (1) Future Products & Services for home, transport, work, education, eGov, eCommerce, and also entertainment, self-care, … Platforms with AT interfacing or user interface preference already partly developed on: OS/GUI or Web Browser on traditional computers (MS/Win, Mac, Linux, …) perhaps yet less obvious on: new devices like Digital TV, Mobile Phones, PDAs, Music /Image /Game players ; Equipment for Car /Home /Office /”Public places” [automats, public transport, building infrastructure] ; Ambient intelligence (+ RFID); etc
Brussels /16 – FP7 ICT Challenge 7 Info-Days ICT for Inclusion PS4 – Slide 8 Call2 - §1: embedding accessibility - State of the Art ? (2) Interfaces HW & SW ; Graphic & Speech ; two-way communication Issues related to accessibility Adaptability/learning with changing of user capabilities; fusion of multi-modal input; etc Data representations for Multi-media ; Web content ; Equipment & Services information ; Real-Time or stored information; etc Plus Ethics (Data Privacy) ; Security ; Performance & efficiency/usability ; Cost; Interoperability ; User support ; Copyright ; Carot & Stick?
Brussels /16 – FP7 ICT Challenge 7 Info-Days ICT for Inclusion PS4 – Slide 9 Call2 - §1: embedding accessibility - State of the Art ? (3) Requirements, Specs, Development, Implementation Computer Aided Design (CAD) & Engineering (CAE) Waterfall or Iterative development processes, Formal methods, RUP, etc see also §2 (simulation & validation) SW & HW interfaces for Assistive Technologies ; Multi-modality ; Use cases & Scenarios + Personas ; User profiles/preferences. Knowledge + Guidelines + Tools Project management & Quality (Risk, Human resources & Responsibility, KPI)
Brussels /16 – FP7 ICT Challenge 7 Info-Days ICT for Inclusion PS4 – Slide 10 Call2 - §1: embedding accessibility - State of the Art ? (4) See past EC projects : FP5: IDCnet+D4ALLnet (EDeAN ), DASDA, IRIS, … + FP4 + TIDE e.g. USERfit methodology “A practical handbook on user-centred design for Assistive Technology” also relevant for mainstream technology See also EDeAN and its Specific Interest Groups (SIG) + FP6 Project (just starting)
Brussels /16 – FP7 ICT Challenge 7 Info-Days ICT for Inclusion PS4 – Slide 11 Call2 - §1: embedding accessibility - State of the Art ? (5) Example of FP6 project developing ontologies & interfaces for user profiles and for accessibility of services, but also for mobile terminals and for home or public places infrastructure equipement : NAV Cluster (ASK-IT + MAPPED) How to generalise / standardise such approach ? See also ESO (ETSI) standardisation work (just starting, with EC funding) on « Personalization & User Profile Management » and all existing or developing e-Accessibility standards (e.g. ISO )
Brussels /16 – FP7 ICT Challenge 7 Info-Days ICT for Inclusion PS4 – Slide 12 Call2 - §1: embedding accessibility Expressions of Interest (info-days presentations) Potential Proposals Unix Desktop accessibility Web Applications accessibility (linked to W3C/WAI/ARIA) Java 2 Micro Edition accessibility (for mobile devices) Active Game Accessibility … Active Support Environment Accessible mainstream conversational services European Total Conversation Network Smart Card with User preferences for Automats … Potential Partnership Norwegian IT-Funk Programme Canada Research Network Robotiker Tecnalia… Oxford ACE Center …