Please enjoy breakfast provided by the Common Market courtesy of our wonderful PTA. We will begin at 8:00 a.m. Please sit with your assigned GRADE Level
Today’s agenda Overview of CCSS/ES Elementary Math CCSS Overview –Changing Our Instruction Break Connecting Place Value and Operations Looking Closely at Practices 3 and 6 Break Linking Investigations and the Common Core Lunch (Gingerbread House Competition & Pizza) Elementary ELA CCSS Overview Writing Standard 1-Argumentation Focus
Parking Lot Use your post-it notes to jot down questions that you have about the CCSS/ES and suggestions for how we need to plan for full implementation.
Common Core Pre-Test
The Common Core State Standards The CCSS is a joint project of the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers to develop common K-12 reading and math standards designed to prepare students for college and their careers.
WHY NOW? Disparate standards across states Student mobility Global competition Today’s jobs require different skills
WHY DID WE MAKE THE SWITCH? Ensure that our students are college and career ready Ensure consistent expectations across states Ensure our students are globally competitive Ensure clear, focused, guideposts Ensure economies of scale—share tools and resources and professional organizations will be geared toward the same goals.
WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT FOR SHAMROCK? Every teacher will teach new curriculum next year. New standards will help us ensure we are preparing every SHAMROCK for success. New rigorous state assessments-Smarter Balance in 2014.
COMMON CORE VIDEO #1 literacy?fd=0
KEY POINTS ABOUT THE STANDARDS Fewer, clearer, and higher Aligned with college and work expectations Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards Internationally benchmarked, so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society Based on evidence and research
Connections Across Content Math K-8 Benchmarks 9-12 Conceptual Categories 6-12 Literacy Science Social Studies Technical Subjects ELA K-5 Cross – Curriculum 6-12 English Language Arts CCSS
COMMON CORE STANDARDS ELA AND SOCIAL STUDIES, SCIENCE, AND TECHNICAL SUBJECTS Progression across grade levels 4 College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards (K-12) 4 Strands (Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening, Language) Specific content-area literacy standards MATH Focus on coherence Computational fluency and conceptual understanding Progression across grade levels Problem Solving and application
Connections Across Content Essential Standards Science, CTE, Social Studies, Health, PE, Art, Music, Dance, Information & Technology
Connections Across Content Math 6-12 Literacy ELA Essential Standards Science, CTE, Social Studies, Health, PE, Art, Music, Dance, Information & Technology CCSS Connects to Essential Standards
COMMON CORE VIDEO #2 Short 14 minute video that provides an overview of how two NY elementary schools are piloting the Common Core in Math and Reading. Viewing Focus: 1.How will open-ended problem solving prepare students for future math classes? 2.How will the addition of speaking and listening standards shape classroom activities? 3.How does analyzing lessons for Common Core alignment help this group of teachers with their own practice? ommon-core-state-standards-elementary- school--2?fd=0
Parking Lot Use your post-it notes to jot down questions that you have about the CCSS/ES and suggestions for how we need to plan for full implementation.