Manchester Pre Proceedings Protocol Amanda Amesbury Head of Child in Need, Child Protection and Early Help
Context First PLO came into force February 2008 40 weeks care proceedings Revised PLO July 2013 ‘this time they mean it’ fit for purpose for care proceedings < 26 weeks Children and Family Act 2014 ‘it’s the law’!
“Work done by the local authority in the period pre-proceedings - front loading - is vital for two reasons. Often it can divert a case along a route which avoids the need for proceedings. When that is not possible, and proceedings have to be commenced, work done beforehand will pay rich dividends later on” Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division: View From the President’s Chambers(2)
Achieving timely proceedings – what do we need to do? Systematic evidence gathering Importance of chronologies and genogram Significance of coordinated early help assessment and planning processes Use of single assessments – end the ‘start again’ approach following ‘referral’ Timely decision making and management oversight
Why go local? Recognition that LA social workers and strategic leaders needed to ‘own’ the PLO Raise understanding for LA’s and partners regarding what resources/capacity is need to ensure legal requirements – 26 week timescale – is met Practice guidance - support social work practice at a local level Consistency in practice and process across LA’s ‘Make sense’ to other professionals who often work across LA boundaries
Manchester Protocol – underlying principles Significance of Early Help Critical role of multi agency partners Think permanence from day one Importance of social work ‘expert’ assessment and planning Child’s voice ‘see the world from the child’s shoes’
Agreed approach Early use of pre proceedings meetings and letter before proceedings – especially in ‘slow burn’ cases Robust review and tracking of pre proceedings cases Early identification and assessment of friends and families The social worker is the expert
Care Proceedings ‘A case presented in proper shape on day 1 will proceed much more smoothly than a case which reaches the Court in an unsatisfactory state’ Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division: View From the President’s Chambers(2)
The Court will expect to see……. LA’s following pre proceedings protocol in all cases, bar in situations of genuine urgency Work completed pre proceedings to support child and family to bring about change and improvement Robust social work assessment Evidence of coordinated support and planning Robust social work assessment – SWET including analysis of prognosis for change Genogram and Chronology Evidence that the role of extended family and friends has been fully explored
Embedded templates Court tracker Cafcass early notification Social Work Evidence Template and guidance Social Work Final Analysis Evidence Template