Tracking Progress of Pupils at Copthorne CE Junior September 2015 to July 2016
The New National Curriculum In 2014 the structure and content of the school curriculum changed to increase challenge. This added new skills as well as shifting content into different year groups (for example, previous Year 6 content moved to Year 5 or even Year 4). The ‘new’ National Curriculum is significantly more challenging than the ‘old.
Closing the gap between the old and new National Curriculums Staff will be teaching the new areas, while identifying missed content (gaps) from the previous year that has been moved or added. This ensures pupils have full coverage and opportunity. We have the ambitious target of closing this gap in just 12 months, ensuring most pupils hit the new end of year group Age Related Expectations (ARE) target by July 2016.
The end of ‘Levels’ to measure progress and attainment From September 2015, assessing pupils using ‘levels’ ended and ‘life without levels’ began. The new government measure for pupil progress and attainment will be against end of year ‘Age Related Expectations’ (ARE).
Age Relate Expectations (ARE) ‘Age Related Expectation’ is an end of year assessment of whether a child is ‘secure’ in the curriculum content taught that year.. And whether they are ready to move onto the content of the next year group.
Assessing progress & attainment towards meeting Age Related Expectation With the end of levels and rise of ‘ARE’, each school has been asked to develop its OWN system of tracking pupil progress … and demonstrate its effectiveness and impact to Ofsted. There is no longer a single unified national system. So how does Copthorne School track pupil progress in the new National Curriculum … and keep it clear, simple and manageable for parents?
Assessing progress & attainment towards meeting Age Related Expectation Assessing ‘Age Related Expectations’ needs to have joined up thinking! Making judgements whether an individual pupil is secure in any statement needs a combination of evidence. This could include work in books, discussions with the child, observations during lessons, group interventions etc… as well as some good old fashioned tests!
The last time education changed assessment system was with the introduction of Levels in This took YEARS to embed and evolve, let alone for parents (and Governors) to understand! We are trying to implement a complete change to the school’s National Curriculum content AND assessment system in just ONE year. The Challenge for Copthorne
Copthorne’s New Assessment System We wanted to use a formative (day-to-day) assessment system that could track all the new curriculum content, measure progress and easily find the gaps. It also needed to be something teachers, parents, governors and Ofsted could all easily use and understand.
So how does Target Tracker work in telling teachers and parents how a child is getting on in meeting ARE? There are 100s of new curriculum statements for each child to achieve year-by-year. Target Tracker allows staff to teach to these statements, then quickly assess how well a pupil has understood the skill – whether they are still ‘working towards’ (need reinforcement), ‘secure’ (got it within lesson) or ‘mastered’ (can use skill in other subject areas)
How does it work? As the hand-outs show, each year group (Band) and subject area has several dozen statements to teach and assess within the academic year
How does it work? Teachers will carefully plan and teach each statement, then assess pupil understanding
Tracking Progress RED bar means ‘working towards statement’ BLUE bar means ‘statements achieved’ GOLD bar means ‘mastery’
Tracking Progress Pupil X has achieved about 90% of Year 3 statements and working towards the rest (gaps). He is also working within in Year 4.
Current Assessment Points 4b = pupil ‘beginning’ Year 4 curriculum 4w = pupil ‘working within’ Year 4 curriculum 4s = pupil is ‘secure’ with the Year 4 curriculum
Current Assessment Points As the pupil becomes secure in more areas of the subject, so they progress step-by-step towards being ‘secure’ and meeting year group ARE
GAP ANALYSIS One of the most powerful aspects of Target Tracker is the GAP ANALYSIS tool. This allows staff to identify curriculum statements that individuals or groups of pupils have not achieved or are still working towards. This information will be used for planning lessons, organising intervention groups and setting up booster sessions
GAP ANALYSIS – PUPIL SUMMARY A Gap Analysis Report can be created for individual pupils. This can be used for measuring intervention effectiveness in school, reporting to parents as well as setting targets for pupils to achieve.
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