TERM Andrea McDonald
Set up and recording – ‘markbook’ * Start with report card headings * List of concepts for Sem 2 (from content description and elaborations, progression points) * List of assessment items for each concept (sources – tracker, other written test, investigation, formal observation and /or interview during group/hands on task) * Write the assessment items into the term plan (summative and formative)
Number and Algebra Fractions and Decimals FRACTION OF SHAPES FRACTIONS OF COLLECTIONS CONCEPT C LEVEL NA 22 show fraction of shapes A-E LEVEL calculate fraction of each pizza - investigation 8 A-E LEVEL calculate fraction of pizza left over - investigation 8 A-E LEVEL hands on activity - how many ways can you show quarters by cutting a square? C LEVEL NA 23 show fractions of collections C LEVEL NA 23 Name fraction of collections shown A-E LEVEL card game - match/make sets of picture, symbol, words for 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 AB EXTENSION -show the whole set, given the part OVERALL RATING DATE Sam James SAMPLE MARKBOOK
Points to note * Tracker is not evidence of A – in some cases may be evidence of B, generally tracker items test knowledge and proficiency at year level standard * Need to consider sources of A/B evidence – investigation, differentiation sheet, online (eg IXL) at higher level, any hands on task or test where an extension element exists * Some concepts are cumulative over a semester eg addition algorithm, number facts. For these, assessment along the way (including trackers) is formative – the assessment at the end is summative. You cannot average out the tracker pages or results of other tasks for cumulative concepts. How will you record these? – as a continuum (like a scale), could record on progression points – highlight as you collect evidence that students know/can do each point
You can only legitimately give a rating if: * You have adequately taught the concept * You have used a range of assessment items * You have used a balance of assessment methods (for learning styles, alternate methods for low-level readers) * Alternative assessments are required for IEP students who are working at a lower level. * Your assessment tasks actually assess what you think you are assessing (they match the concepts/intended outcomes) * You have given students adequate opportunity to demonstrate A or B level achievement
Aim to avoid end of semester/term over assessment * Finish assessing as concepts are wrapped up for the semester – do the rating and report comment at that point. * Write your comment bank at the start of the semester * Choose to comment mostly on Term 1 and 3 concepts to get most of Maths comment done well ahead of reporting – need to make sure you cover different areas in each of these terms to do this * Still make sure you cover all areas over the semester
How will I record in my markbook? * The criteria/concept must be recorded (not just ‘MG15’ etc) – why? * Should you record the score for trackers and tests or a rating (A-E)? more value in rating the concepts covered (links to progression points and investigation criteria sheets), scores need to be translated into ratings A-E at some point anyway * For tracker pages where students get everything right (evidence of year level standard) can’t record this as a ‘C’ which will be averaged out with other criteria, because with an extension task, they may actually perform beyond a ‘C’. How will you record this? E, D, √ (tick)? Other?
ABCDE Degree of accuracy Accurately Accurately (self-corrected minor errors) Made minor errors Needed teacher assistance Did not understand/was unable to complete Degree of efficiency Used an efficient strategy Used a reasonable strategy With help, used a strategy Needed guidance to identify how to Could not Degree of independence Explored the problem and independently With promptingNeeded help to Needed teacher guidance to Did not understand the concept of Degree of detail Gave a detailed and confident explanation Described how they … Described some of the … Briefly described some of Description was confused/ incomplete Was unable to describe Suggestion for assessing investigations Distinction between A – E can be:
Implications are * You need to assess each step as it happens because: * Some are processes (ways of working) which need to be seen. * Some are based on degrees of assistance – you don’t just leave students to do the step on their own and then assess. You give help along the way as needed. How to assess this? Read the step/task – those who can go ahead and do this are an A. Give a whole class prompt – those who can now do it are a B. Give a strategy/structure etc to the class/group – those who now succeed are a C. Give individual prompting/questioning/ guidance – those who are now successful are a D. Have a class list ready and record as you go. * An investigation is a multi-part task. For students to be able to correctly complete subsequent parts/steps, the previous section needs to be correct. You need to assess each step and then give correction so that all students have the opportunity to succeed on the subsequent steps.