IMPACT 13 May Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty IMPACT Investigation of Extreme Flood Processes and Uncertainty
IMPACT 13 May Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty IMPACT Investigation of ExtreMe Flood Processes And UnCertainTy
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Welcome to HR Wallingford!
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Some administrative issues: Facilities: Tea / Coffee / Lunch Toilets In the event of a fire Messages
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Some administrative issues: Workshop: Transport to & from hotels Notes and papers Attendees (Thur / Fri) Mobile phones Return travel Friday evening
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Some administrative issues: Seeing the sites : The ‘Oxford Story’ & dinner in Oxford - (Thursday evening) Arrangements for short guided tour of Oxford sites (Colleges etc) Sat morning Please indicate interest on table
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Workshop Aims & Objectives To present the proposed work programme & approach for IMPACT To identify current state of the art To promote discussion & feedback To promote networking and linking between researchers and industry To focus on dam / embankment performance and identify industry needs and implications from work
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Workshop Programme ~ DAY 1 Introduction to IMPACT –Theme Area 2 ~ Breach –Theme Area 3 ~ Flood Propagation –Theme Area 4 ~ Sediments Additional Research –University of Leige –IMPACT-ADD –EOI for FP6 IMPACT Project Goals & Implementation
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Workshop Programme ~ DAY 2 Focus on Embankments, Associated Project Work & Industry Needs
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Workshop Programme ~ DAY 2 Guest speakers: –Paul Visser (TU Delft, Holland) –Greg Hanson (USDA-ARS, US) –Martin Gocht (GFZ Potsdam, Germany) UK speakers: –Fola Ogunyoye (Posford Haskoning) –Mervyn Bramley (Environment Agency) –Ian Meadowcroft (Environment Agency) –HR Wallingford
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May IMPACT Workshop Informal Interactive Feedback Papers / presentations Web / CD ROM Enjoy! Any problems --> Jackie Harrop!
IMPACT 13 May Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty IMPACT Investigation of Extreme Flood Processes and Uncertainty An Introduction
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Introduction The problem to be solved Scientific objectives and approach Benefits of the IMPACT project Implementation
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May The problem to be solved... “The assessment and reduction of risks from extreme flooding caused by natural events or the failure of dams and flood defence structures” (Structures = dams, weirs, sluices, flood embankments, dikes, tailings dams etc.)
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May The problem to be solved... “To manage and minimise (flood) risks effectively it is necessary to be able to identify hazards and vulnerability in a consistent and reliable manner, to have good knowledge of structure behaviour in emergency situations, and to understand the potential consequences of failure in order to allow effective contingency planning for public safety”
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Scientific Objectives & Approach Objectives are to: Advance scientific knowledge / understanding Develop predictive tools / methods in four areas:
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Scientific Objectives & Approach Breaching of embankments (dams & flood defences) (WP2) Flood propagation through valley and urban areas (WP3) Movement of sediment (WP4) Quantifying risk and uncertainty (WP5) (Recommendations from CADAM)
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May CADAM European Concerted Action Project with 2 year duration Concerted Action means funding for T&S and meetings. Modelling work undertaken by partners at own expense (i.e. limitations) Project ended on 31st January 2000 Project website:
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Scientific Objectives & Approach Sediment Movement Flood Propagation Breach Formation Risk Assessment Combined inputs with associated uncertainty demonstrated through case study application Implications for End User Applications
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Scientific Objectives & Approach Approach is via a combination of: Fieldwork Laboratory physical modelling Desk analysis Computational modelling including assessment throughout of process uncertainty
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Benefits of the IMPACT Project Ultimately a reduction in risk to the public through: improved understanding of extreme processes, hence improved understanding of associated risks to the public, environment, assets etc. improved reliability of modelling tools improved understanding of modelling results, leading to more appropriate application of predictions (e.g. emergency planning
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Key Aspects of Implementation The Overall Approach Keep focus on overall objectives, end users Interaction between theme areas: (1 project, not 4)
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Key Aspects of Implementation Interaction with European, US and National R&D Complement and benefit from National R&D Liase with US R&D programme Maximise scope and participation of additional organisations wherever possible
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Key Aspects of Implementation Dissemination: R&D is pointless unless there is effective dissemination
IMPACT Investigation of extreme flood Processes and uncertainty 13 May Key Aspects of Implementation Effective dissemination means: End user take up / application of results –therefore results need to match end user needs! Dissemination internationally to different user groups: –dam & defence owners / emergency planners / insurance companies / consulting companies / researchers / planners / developers / designers / etc. etc. etc.