Music Culture and Celebrity
Why do people stand for the national anthem?
Why do certain kinds of music evoke certain emotions?
March Charge Taps Music that ran armies…
Intel Rogers Hockey Night in Canada OC Friends Barney “Hero’s in a half shell –”
Emo Punk Hip Hop Metal Rap Alternative Pop Fusion Jazz Why do we divide ourselves up this way?
Why do we build our own image around the music we listen to?
Music divides us and it also brings us together…
Power is about Needs… and Abilities…
What are the Needs that music plays on…?
What is the ability that music has?
Does it go for all musicians?
If music effects choices – how does that work?
What does it mean to be famous?
Why do people flock to famous people?
What are they looking for? What do they get from these people?
Why does this guy seem to matter?
Why would we care what she has to say about child poverty?
Why does their religion matter to anyone?
His political views seem to be well known… OMG!
Needs that drive the power in the music and celebrity…
Beauty? Vision? Leadership? Belonging? What is the big one…?
What do we get from knowing seeing meeting celebrity?
Is celebrity relative?
If so…why?
What specifically is the mechanism?
Is the BiPolar nature obvious?