Online Shopping By Katie Stern
Online Shopping Online shopping has a impact on because, I enjoy being able to have the option to go to the store or go online in the comfort of my home. In the stores people have to search for a specific object their looking for now they can type in the name of the object in the search bar and find it so much faster
Online Shopping 83% of people are more confident about purchasing items online 79% of people think its easier to shop online then go in stores since they’re saving more time This year over 106 million people bought stuff on cyber Monday know_it_will_disappear.html
Who started online shopping? Jeff Bezos the founder of amazon started online shopping trend in years after amazon was created in 1994 other people started creating their own online website online-shopping.html
Jeff Bezos’ Biography Born on January 12 th 1964 He grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico He got married to his wife Mackenzie Bezos in 1993 Jeff is the Chairman and CEO of
Education Jeff Bezos studied at Princeton University Graduated the year of 1986 He studied physics as he was attending Princeton