Hinduism had no single founder, it started in 1500 BC & still goes on till this day.
It originated in India, they would worship at their temple.
The Vedas Scriptures is made of 4 collections Rigveda Yajurveda Samaveda Atharvaveda They were written in Sanskrit & often compared to the Bible.
Laws of Karma & Dharma Reincarnation Compassion towards others Tolerance for other faiths Henotheism
Hindu practices generally involve seeking awareness of God and sometimes also seeking blessings from Devas. Therefore, Hinduism has developed numerous practices meant to help one think of divinity in the midst of everyday life.
A key turning point in Hinduism was the Indo-European invasion. It impacted them by transferring Hindu to those who believed in Hinduism, it was spoken by the Indo- Europeans. The oldest scripture of Rig-Veda was written, it was written in Sanskrit, sung & recited through out history before finally being written down.
How does the religion stand now?
1 billion followers worldwide The official Hindu state is 3 rd largest in the world. Location: India, United Kingdom, & U.S
1. Ganesha Elephant deity riding a mouse. Most popular Hindu God is lord of success & destroyer of evilest obstacles. 2. Shiva Most powerful deity in Hinduism represents death and dissolution. It’s the most complex of Hindu duties. 3. Krishma Most powerful incarnation of Vishnu, it has influenced religion and philosophy 4. Rama The perfect avatar of the supreme protector. “ The embodiment of truth, of morality, the ideal son, the ideal husband, and above all, the ideal king.
Himalayanacademy.com Patheos.com/library/hinduism.html Religionfacts.com/hinduism/fastfacts.htm