Subject Pronouns
What is a subject? The subject of a sentence performs the action in the sentence. There are three categories of subjects: 1st Person - The narrator is the subject. 2nd Person - The narrator is talking to the subject 3rd Person - The narrator is talking about the subject. The subject of a sentence performs the action in the sentence. There are three categories of subjects: 1st Person - The narrator is the subject. 2nd Person - The narrator is talking to the subject 3rd Person - The narrator is talking about the subject.
The Spanish Subject Pronouns you-plural (formal) ustedes (uds.)you (formal) ud. (ud.) they they (all female) them (implied) ellos ellas he she it (implied) é l ella 3rd Person you-plural (all female) vosotros vosotras you (informal) tútú 2nd Person we we (all female) nosotros nosotras Iyo 1st Person Plural SubjectsSingular Subjects
Vosotros vs. Ustedes (uds.) They both mean you when addressing a group. The closest English would be “you all”. Ustedes is the more common form used in Latin America. Vosotros is used in Spain and a few select, South American countries. They both mean you when addressing a group. The closest English would be “you all”. Ustedes is the more common form used in Latin America. Vosotros is used in Spain and a few select, South American countries.
Using Subject Pronouns Native speakers of Spanish do not usually use Subject Pronouns except for clarification. Yo soy de Nueva York. Soy de Nueva York. (I am from New York) Native speakers of Spanish do not usually use Subject Pronouns except for clarification. Yo soy de Nueva York. Soy de Nueva York. (I am from New York)