English: Tuesday, November 27, Handouts: * Grammar #25 (Personal Pronouns) 2.Homework: * Grammar #25 (Personal Pronouns) * If you don’t finish in class, it is homework. * STUDY for a test next Tuesday, Grammar Unit #4 Test is on Pronouns (study lessons #25 – 29) 3.Assignments due: * None
Lesson Goal: Learn to identify personal pronouns and use them correctly. Outcomes: Be able to... 1.Define these terms: Pronoun, personal pronoun, subject pronoun, object pronoun. 2.Identify personal pronouns, subject pronouns, and object pronouns in any given sentence. 3.Use personal pronouns, subject pronouns, and object pronouns correctly in any given sentence. 4.Replace personal pronouns correctly with subject pronouns or object pronouns.
Starter #1 Take out your comp book. Turn to the first blank page. In the upper right hand corner, write the following: Tues., Nov. 27, 2012 QW #27: Create a Holiday Make up a new holiday. Explain all about this holiday—what you will call it, how people will celebrate it, when it will occur, etc. Remember to write in complete sentences, avoiding fragments and run-ons. If you are not sure how to spell a certain word, just sound it out and circle it.
Starter #2 Today we begin a new unit in Grammar—Pronouns. See how well you can field these questions.... What is a pronoun? A word that... takes the place of a noun takes the place of a group of words that act as a noun takes the place of another pronoun What is a “personal pronoun”? Any pronoun that refers to a person or a thing
Starter #3 There are TWO kinds of personal pronouns. Who can name them? A subject pronoun is personal pronoun that is the subject of a sentence. For example... I, you, he, she, it, we, they An object pronoun is the direct or indirect object of a verb. For example... me, you, him, her, it, us, them Let’s test your understanding.... He has a paper route. What’s the pronoun? What kind of pronoun is it? “He” is a subject pronoun. Paula asked him for help. What’s the pronoun? What kind of pronoun is it? “Him” is an object pronoun, the object of the verb “asked.”