Higher Level Thinking Skills Bloom’s Taxonomy Higher Level Thinking Skills
1. Knowledge—Recall or locate information 2. Comprehension—Understand learned facts 3. Application—Apply what has been learned to new situations 4. Analysis—”Take apart” information to examine different parts 5. Synthesis—Create or invent something: bring together more than one idea 6. Evaluation—Consider evidence to support conclusions.
Level 1--Knowledge What is the definition for ___________ Trace the pattern __________________ Review the facts __________________ Name the characteristics of __________ List the steps for __________________ Lowest level of thinking skills.
Level 2--Comprehension Tell why these ideas are similar___________ In your own words retell the story of ______ Classify these concepts_________________ Relate how these ideas are different _______ What happened after ___________________ Tell some examples ____________________ Make a model of ______________________ Take notes on _________________________ Draw a picture to _______________________
Level 3--Application Graph the data_________________________ Demonstrate the way to _________________ Which one is most like __________________ Practice ______________________________ Act out the way a person would ___________ Use whatever means necessary to _________
Level 4--Analysis What are the component parts of ______________ Which steps are important in the process of ______ If __________ then _______________ What other conclusions can you reach about _________that have not been mentioned The difference between the fact and the hypothesis is _____ The solution would be to ___________ What is the relationship between ___ and ___?
Level 5--Synthesis Create a model that shows your new ideas Devise an original plan or experiment for Finish the incomplete _______________ Make a hypothesis about _____________ Change _____so that it will ___________ Propose a method to _________________ Prescribe a new way to ______________ Give a book a new title Speculate on questions that experts in the field need to answer to solve the problem of _____________
Level 6--Evaluation In your opinion ______________ Appraise the chances for _________ Grade or rank the ________________ What do you think will be the outcome___ What solution do you favor and why_____ Which systems are best? Worst?
Level 1—Knowledge-Recall Sample Activities Define Recognize Recall Identify Label Understand Show Collect What is the definition of a complete sentence?
Level 2—Comprehension/Understand Sample Activities Translate Interpret Explain Describe Summarize In your own words, retell the story of ___
Level 3 Sample Activities Apply Solve Experiment Show Predict What character in the story is most like someone you know?
Level 4—Analysis/Take Apart Sample Activities Correct Relate Differentiate Classify Arrange Check Group What steps are important in the process of _____?
Level 5—Synthesis/Create-invent Sample Activities Propose Design Plan Combine Formulate Compose Construct Change ___ so that it will ____
Level 6—Evaluation/Consider Evidence Sample Activities Appraise Judge Criticize Decide What do you think will be the outcome? In your opinion ________________
Which Level What ideas justify you conclusion? What is the one best source of vitamin C? Predict what would happen if you added too much water. Which is more important, level 1 skill or level 5 skill? How would you test a metal for hardness? How many students may be in a second grade classroom?
Which level How What When Why Where Tell me Explain Different
Which Level Who are the main characters? Which characters were alike? Explain why they were alike? What conclusions can you make abut how they were alike? Tell how the story would be different if the main characters did not like each other. Tell me how it helped the story by the characters being so different.
Implications Are the learning activities the correct type? Is there a balance of lower level and higher level questions? What questions are asked of low performing students-high performing students? Do we give students opportunity to demonstrate their high level skills? What level of questions do teachers use in observations?
Implications Do we write good questions? Do we rely too much on knowledge level questions? What level questions are on TAKS? Do we teach students to use higher level skills?