Earning More Online Jon Matthews
Content Introduction Engagement Fundraising Monitoring Examples Getting started The Secret?!
Learning from Obama 5 million friends on 15 social networking sites – 3 million on Facebook 13 million list 3 million online donors 8.5 million monthly visits to website 2000 official videos on YouTube 3 million signed up for text messages
Why it worked Clear objectives Stimulate action and make things happen Engage at all level Identify super users Be where people are- drive them to your site Be relevant On and Offline Be found Measure everything The right team
Childs i Foundation VIDEO CLIP
YOUR WEBSITE Facebook Twitter YouTube Advocates New networks Friends FUNDRAISE HERE Forums Blogs
Channels Facebook Twitter Youtube
All about choice Different people use internet in different Ways – –Twitter –Facebook Which to use; all? –User choice
Ways to engage How do you engage with people? –Provide information / News –Provide support or a service –Communicate with people –Receive donations –Tell stories
Where to start? “One rule: Follow the donor, be where the donors are ” – Howard Lake Look whose talking about you –Google AlertsAlerts –Google Blog Search –Social Mention and Addict o maticAddict o matic
Use your intelligence! Use what you know about your visitor Landing page –Meet users expectations –Why are they visiting –Does content match reason for visiting Page ‘log in’ –Match content to user
Give As You Live – Donor Survey 2013
Building relationships Who is on your site/platform? Make content appropriate –Donor vs Service user Site / Media personality –Facebook / Micro sites / Twitter
Get people talking Spark debate Create peer support User generated content Give good quality information 80:20 Rule ‘Like’ it; The purchaser is the best promoter
Relationships matter Engage mentally and emotionally “All about community” (Beatbullying) –Build –Maintain –Nurture It takes time On and Off line (Child’s I Foundation)
Fund raising Small proportion of sectors income; but growing fast Very economical Drive traffic to site –Social media – –Information
Once on site Guide them through site –Don’t let them get distracted –Single cause sites -Microsites –Higher not lower value asks Appeals work best –Build up interest –Friends asking friends
Monitoring / review Google AnalyticsAnalytics Facebook insights ( Forums – what are people talking about? Mail Chimp – tool Tweetdeck – manages social media
Tips on getting started See what others are doing Follow people on Twitter / Facebook What do they do that you like / dislike Don’t try and be everywhere Identify the existing skill level Time commitment from staff / Trustees Find free resources to help HAVE A STRATEGY
Design Subtly matters –You / I –Photos make eye contact –Use of site Focus on 1 person Consistency Fast loading 3 clicks to information
Control Be prepared to give up some control “Charities can’t afford not to be online” Volunteers give talks to public….. Escalation policy if this go wrong –Get conversations off line –Ensure members know correct story –Anonymous complaints; what are their motives Little evidence
Secrets to earning more online Passion Persistence Partnership
Links RaisingIT Sounddelivery Sue Fidler Howard Lake – UK Fundraising NFP Synergy
Contact Jon Matthews