Name of Problem Name of Community, Country By Your Complete Name Date Month Year Albukhary International University
Summary of the Problem A clear statement of the problem here. It should state the situation, the place, and the effects. It should be easy for anyone to understand. Example: The swarm of mosquitoes every November in Karnakata Village in Southern Nepal results in a 300% increase of malaria among young children, with about 40% mortality, as well as high cost of medical treatments and lost productivity. Source(s):
Need(s) A clear explanation of the need(s) here. It should be easy for anyone to understand. Source(s):
Theory A short but clear statement of theory or framework for a solution here. It should be easy for anyone to understand. Source(s):
Causes A short but clear explanation of the causes of the situation or problem. Source(s):
Effects at Present A short but clear statement that is easy to understand. Source(s):
Future Effects A short but clear statement that is easy to understand. Source(s):
Suggested Solution(s) A short but clear suggestion to stop, minimize, or balance the negative effects. The statement should be easy for anyone to understand. Source(s):
Suggested Solution: Viability A short but clear statement why the suggested solution can be viable (can be implemented without much difficulty). The statement should be easy for anyone to understand. Source(s):
Suggested Solution: Sustainability A short but clear statement why the suggested solution can be sustainable (can support itself to continue for a long time). The statement should be easy for anyone to understand. Source(s):
Suggested Solution: Failure A short but clear statement why the suggested solution can fail. The statement should be easy for anyone to understand. Source(s):
Suggested Solution: Mitigation A short but clear statement why the failure can be avoided or mitigated. The statement should be easy for anyone to understand. Source(s):
List Sources Alphabetical list, APA style
End of Presentation By Your Complete Name Date Month Year Albukhary International University