Behavior Purple: Leader of the Pack ($3) Blue: Grrrrreat Behavior ($2) Green: Ready to Explore ($1) Yellow: Warning Red: Uh-oh! MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Behavior Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Homework Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday Math *No School* Compare & Order Length Comparing Length (pencil, guitar, cupcakes) Comparing Length: Superhero Reading -Complete your nightly reading fluency homework *see back* -Practice word list in your homework binder! -Read for minutes and record book(s) below– remember our class WIG! Spelling Spelling Choice Menu (backside of binder)- 2 activities due on Friday. Other Practice tying shoes! Daily Edit (backside of math) Don’t forget your spelling homework tomorrow! Reading Log: Please fill out nightly. Goal is to read 1,250 books as a class! DayTitle of Book(s):Who read? (circle one) Mondaystudentparent Tuesdaystudentparent Wednesdaystudentparent Thursdaystudentparent Name: __________________________ (Thursday) Parent Signature : ___________________________________________ Week of Feb. 15 Homework Calendar will be collected and checked every Friday. Student will not be able to attend Fun Friday if he/she has 2 yellows or 1 red in one week. He/she will go to the Responsibility Room to reflect on his/her behavior and make a goal for the following week. Spelling Words Words with oa, ow show row grow low blow snow boat coat road toad Challenge Words paper were laugh Weekly Story: Tomas Rivera Grammar Skill: Future Tense
Weekly First Grade Fluency Homework Directions: (This process should be repeated every night.) 1. Student reads the passage aloud to the parent, who is timing them for EXACTLY one minute. During this time, the parent is also keeping track of any errors the child makes while reading, BUT does NOT try to correct the child at this time. 2. Parent records the number of words read in a minute (use the numbers at the end of each line to help you add quickly) and the number of errors. 3. Parent NOW points out and corrects the errors made to the child. 4. Student should retell everything they remember about the story to the parent. GOAL: Read 60 words per minute with a minimum of 90% accuracy. Retell at least three events from the story in the correct sequence. Sheep, Wolf and Hare Sheep was on her way to the mountains where the grass grew thick and 14 green. Suddenly in her path was a big, hungry wolf! Poor Sheep was so 28 scared. “Please Wolf, if you wait until the fall to eat me, I will be much fatter. 45 Think how good I will taste then.” Wolf said “Very well, but you must meet me 61 here in four months.” Wolf ran off and Sheep went to the mountains. As the 76 end of summer came, Sheep grew sadder and sadder. Hare saw Sheep 88 crying. Sheep told how Wolf was going to eat her, so Hare made a plan. 103 He dressed himself in fine clothes, strapped a saddle on Sheep’s back, and 116 picked up and pen and paper. Hare leaped into the saddle and he and 130 Sheep started down the path. Soon they reached the spot where Wolf was 143 waiting. “I am on a special mission for the king,” said Hare. “He needs ten 158 wolf skins. It is lucky that I met you. You will do for one.” Hare took his pen 176 and wrote a large one on the paper. Wolf ran from there so quickly that he 192 was just a brown blur. Sheep never had a problem with him again. 205 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Words read in 1 minute -number of mistakes = total words read correctly Parent initials