Passenger carriage and car crash injury: a comparison between younger and older drivers Student :董瑩蟬
1.Purpose Investigate the effects of passenger carriage, including the number of passengers and the ages of Passengers, on the risk of car crash injury.
2.Reference There is a growing body of literature examining the relationship between passenger carriage and the risk of car crash and injury (Foldvary and Lane, 1969; Drummond and Triggs, 1991;Williams andWells, 1995;Williams et al., 1995; Ulmer et al., 1997; Preusser et al., 1998; Doherty et al., 1998; Chen et al., 2000).
3.method The method has been detailed previously by Connor et al.(2002). Between April 1998 and July 1999 Auckland region. study participants vehicles included cars, vans and light utility vehicles.
3.method 3.1. Selection of cases case-finding in the region’s four trauma hospitals and single Coroner’s office. 571 筆資料 (Y195 、 O376) 3.2. Selection of controls 利用隨機的方式從 69 個觀測地點中選取樣本, 會依照當時的交通量決定抽樣的多寡。 588 筆資料 (Y94 、 O494)
3.method 方法:面對面訪談法、電話訪談 訪談問卷內容包含:當時的情況、行為、背景等 特徵。 Information on a range of other variables including –demographics –time of crash/interview –self-reported alcohol consumption –the average km driven per week –drivers’ sleepiness ( measured by Stanford Sleepiness Scale ) Data collection
3.method 3.4. Data analyses Drivers group : younger (<25 years) and older (≥25 years). Logistic regression analyses using SUDAAN statistical analysis software population attributable risks (PAR) method
5.Discussion 年代 學者 得到結果 本研究結果 Doherty et al. Chen et al. effect of the number of passengers carried is more significant on the risk of car crash injury among younger drivers. 2000WilliamsPassengers may be a distraction to the driver, especially same age passengers. 2001Regan et al.all age groups perceived themselves to be more likely to talk to younger than older drivers 本研究與其他研究結果比較
5.Discussion 其他相關研究結果 年代 學者 得到結果 2001Regan et al.suggested the social interaction or some other dynamics between the passenger and the driver relationship lies in a better 1990Baxter et al.noted that the drivers carrying passengers will adjust their driving behaviour 1990Baxter et al.observed that young drivers, particularly males, tended to drive at excessive speeds in the presence of Male passengers Chen et al.young drivers drove faster when accompanied by young male passengers. carrying young passengers, particularly young men has an detrimental effect
5.Discussion 本研究其他相關結果 provided odds ratios (OR) 係利用 Rothman and Greenland, 1998 的研究結果。 資訊量在回憶的部份可能有低估的偏誤。
6.Conclusions 本研究證實對於 younger drivers 而言 passengers carried 是產生碰撞的風險因素。 Carrying more than one passenger has significantly increased the risk of car crash injury for younger drivers, but not for older drivers. Carrying 的人數多寡與會影響風險。