Ser Señora Ramos
Using Ser and Estar Ser and Estar both mean “to be”. But how do we know which one to use in our sentences? The following slides will give memory aids and explanations as to when to use ser and when to use estar. All information is from
DOCTORDOCTOR = description = time = characteristics = occupation = origin/nationality = relationship A good acronym to remember the uses of ser is DOCTOR
D escription Ser is used to describe essential qualities about a person and probably will not change. This can be a physical description or a name. Yo soy Señora Ramos. (I am Mrs. Ramos) El chico es alto. (The boy is tall.)
O ccupation Jobs and occupations are seen as more of a permanent stature and therefore use ser. Ustedes son estudiantes. (You all are students.) ** Él es mecánico. (He is a mechanic.) ** **Notice that with occupation you do not use un/una or unos/unas. Nosotros somos médicos. (We are doctors) **
C haracteristic Characteristics are personality descriptions of a person. These would probably be the second thing you say to "What is he like?" Amalia es inteligente y simpática. (Amalia is intelligent and nice.) Mi esposo es romántico y cariñoso. (My husband is romantic and caring.)
T ime Time includes days, dates, and hours. For hours, use es for one o'clock and son for all other hours. Hoy es jueves. (Today is Thursday) ¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?) Son las ocho y media. (It is 8:30)
O rigin/Nationality Since what something is made of or where someone is from doesn’t change, we use ser. María es de México. (Maria is from Mexico.) Tú eres estadounidense. (You are American) El anillo es de oro. (The ring is made of gold)
R elationship Even after someone dies or breaks up, described as using ser. Also, religious affiliation uses ser since people are thought to have a “relationship”, in a manner of speaking, with a higher power. Andrés es guapo. (Andrés is handsome) Angie es mi madre. (Angie is my mother.) Alvaro es mi ex-novio. (Alvaro is my ex-boyfriend.)