Journal Feedback Criteria Please communicate freely and openly in your journal. Your GM Coaches will review your journal periodically, looking for evidence of: Communication (verbal and pictorial) of your mathematical thinking – you try to make clear and detailed explanations and diagrams. Mathematical and Leadership reasoning Personally derived solutions to math and support for better math. Creative insights/deep thinking (e.g., you make connections, pose “I think/ I wonder statements,” explore “what if questions,” look beyond and make conjectures, etc.) Monitoring and reporting your feelings Awareness of your own mathematical and leadership growth, strengths and needs It is important not to erase a journal entry, even if you feel what you wrote is wrong. Instead, show growth by adding new ideas (write the date that you make the addition). Or, on another page describe how your thinking has changed.
Thought Starters Today I felt my inner mathematician at work when… Today I experienced the power of model when… Today I felt the importance of mat as a social activity when… Math is an ongoing process! Today I developed a better understanding of ___ when… I felt uncertainty today when…. An idea that fascinated me today was… Today I saw a connection between ___ and ___when… A question I have is… I got stuck today when…. I had an AHA when…. I wonder...what if…I think… Here are two different approaches to… Reflecting on today’s activity, I see value in… What I learned from another colleague today was…
Writing and Journaling Prompts After you got your answer today, what did you do so that you were convinced your answer was correct? How sure are you that your answer is correct? How can you prove to everyone else that your answer is correct? Write a “mathography.” Tell about your experiences in guided math outside of school and how you feel about the approach to better math. Write a letter to your counterpart about your experiences throughout the guided math approach within the realm of your personal and professional contributions.
Opening Journal Entry: Guided Math Year 1 Date: _______________________ This journal will help tell the story of our journey through our Guided Math approach to “doing better math”. In it I will: Describe my discoveries, explorations and Aha’s; Celebrate my struggles and successes; Keep track of my questions and reflections; Pay attention to ways my understanding is growing and ways I am growing as a learner; Explain my thinking as a way to help myself make sense of how to learn, implement and support better math instruction; Wonder about, challenge and experiment with ideas. Some thoughts (hopes, worries, questions, ideas, etc.) I have as I begin this journey are… _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Journal Entry #2: Environmentally Safe Team Builder Date: _______________________ What made this activity “environmentally safe?” Why is it important to be able to share information with our colleagues? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ____________________
Journal Entry #3: Environment of Numeracy and Math Warm-ups Date: _______________________ Use one of your journaling prompts and/or your own prompt to reflect on today’s session goals. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ____________________