ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use HSO-OP - Solar and Planetary Missions Division Solar Orbiter Instrument Operations, Data Handling and FDIR Ignacio Tanco SOWG#8, ESAC 26/Jan/2016
Ignacio Tanco| SWT#08, ESAC| 2016/01/26 | Slide 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use OPS-OP - Solar and Planetary Missions Division Outline Flight Operations Concept Impact on Instrument Data Handling Impact on FDIR Recommendations
Ignacio Tanco| SWT#08, ESAC| 2016/01/26 | Slide 3 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use OPS-OP - Solar and Planetary Missions Division Solar Orbiter OGS Status Mission Control System (SMCS) Data Disposition System (DDS) System Simulator (SIM) Engineering Test Bed (ETB) OBSW Dev/Val (SDE/SVF) FOP Managem. System (MOIS) Network and Station Control (GFCC) Flight Dynamics System (FDS) Database Managem. System (DBS) Mission Planning System (MPS) SOL OGS Ground Stations PIs, SGS Test and Validation Support Systems Real-Time Systems RT / Offline Systems NDIU Spacecraft on Ground OBCP Dev/Val (OBCPS) End of 2016End of 2017End of 2018/LaunchAvailable
Ignacio Tanco| SWT#08, ESAC| 2016/01/26 | Slide 4 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use OPS-OP - Solar and Planetary Missions Division Flight Operations Concept: Commanding Routine Instrument operations will be off-line. No real-time commanding. o Instrument commanding prepared in advance. o Operations built in atomic sequences, uplinked as safe end-to-end activities. These activity cycles will speed up return to science. o At the boundaries of the activity cycles are the so-called re-entry points. o Instrument User Manuals must define operations in terms of sequences: o In-situ example: Default Mode -> Adjust operational parameters -> Command Mode X -> Return to Default o Remote Sensing example: Switch ON -> Warm up detector -> Adjust operational parameters -> Command Mode X -> Go back to Stand-by
Ignacio Tanco| SWT#08, ESAC| 2016/01/26 | Slide 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use OPS-OP - Solar and Planetary Missions Division Flight Operations Concept: Telemetry Only TM going into the OBC can and will be monitored – Both on-board and on Ground. You should route: o All TC Acknowledges (S1). o Relevant HK TM for Ground and FDIR monitoring (S3). o All Events (S5). o All Dumps (S6). o All ping responses (S17). o Any private report worth monitoring. This data stream cannot exceed 500 bps (essential HK TM). Bonus: All HK TM S(3,25) packet must be of fixed length.
Ignacio Tanco| SWT#08, ESAC| 2016/01/26 | Slide 6 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use OPS-OP - Solar and Planetary Missions Division Baseline Instrument FDIR Baseline FDIR is no autonomous return to Operations: o Instrument contingency -> Suspend operations -> Recovery by Ground o Monitoring performed on HKTM ‘heartbeat’ An extension of this baseline is considered feasible. [RD-1] SOL-ESC-ME-10010, , Enhanced Payload FDIR
Ignacio Tanco| SWT#08, ESAC| 2016/01/26 | Slide 7 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use OPS-OP - Solar and Planetary Missions Division Enhanced Instrument FDIR: principles (recap) Rule #1: Visibility o No silent reboots; MOC must retain visibility of status onboard. o No endless reset loops. Rule #2: Planability o Periods of Enhanced FDIR to be clearly defined. o Planable by SOC and MOC. o Activation done by instruments via routine procedures. [RD-2] SOL-ESC-ME-10010, , Enhanced Payload FDIR
Ignacio Tanco| SWT#08, ESAC| 2016/01/26 | Slide 8 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use OPS-OP - Solar and Planetary Missions Division Conclusions and Recommendations Instrument Teams must start to develop their Instrument Procedures ASAP. ESOC will be ready to start coding them into sequences as of 2 nd half of TO DO : o Think about your Operational Concept in terms of activity cycles! o Develop the necessary procedures to support your activity cycle. o Code the procedures in your User Manual. o Submit your updated User Manual to ESOC for coding into sequences. Don’t Forget! o Procedures must also contain the TM checks required by Ground. o Ideally Commissioning should be run with Routine procedures! [RD-2] SOL-ESC-ME-10010, , Enhanced Payload FDIR
Ignacio Tanco| SWT#08, ESAC| 2016/01/26 | Slide 9 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use OPS-OP - Solar and Planetary Missions Division Q&A ESOC is always happy to help and support! (On-line and off-line) Any Questions?