The First Americans The American Indians
American Indians Long ago American Indians lived in all parts of our continent. There were many different groups that adapted their way of life to the natural resources of the region in which they lived. Five main regions where American Indians lived. Eastern Woodlands Plains Southwest and West Northwest Coast Arctic and Sub-Arctic
American Indians
American Indians of the Eastern Woodlands This region stretched from the Mississippi River to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The area is wooded so many of the tribes tools were carved from wood Major Tribes were the Algonquin and the Iroquois Tribes in this region lived in homes built of wood. The Iroquois lived in long houses that could hold many families at once. The Algonquin lived in round, bark covered homes called wigwams. Tribes hunted and gathered food. They grew corn, beans, and squash.
American Indians of the Eastern Woodlands The Iroquois League was formed to be a group of tribal governments to help promote peace among the different Iroquois groups. This group would meet together once a year with representatives from each tribe to help resolve conflicts.
American Indians
The American Indians of the Plains This region covered the vast grasslands that are also called the Great Plains. Major Tribes were the Sioux and the Lakota. There was an abundance of bison (also called buffalo) that the tribes hunted. Most of the tribes items were made with the skins, horns, and bones of these animals. The Tribes lived in round tents called teepees made from animal hides that were easy to move as they followed the bison herds.
American Indians of the Plains Among the Plains tribes every man was considered equal. Any man could become chief if he was a good warrior and leader.
American Indians
American Indians of the Southwest. This region is desert, with hot summers, cold winters, and very little rain. Major Tribes are the Navajo and Pueblo. These tribes lived in villages with houses carved out of stone and could be many stories high. Tribes could grow a little food and cotton but had to trade for most of their goods.
American Indians of the Southwest The Navajo and Pueblo tribes were excellent tradesmen. They crafted beautiful textiles, pottery, baskets, and sometimes jewelry to trade.
American Indians
American Indians of the Northwest This region is along the Pacific Coast stretching from Canada to the California There are many waterways in this region and tribes relied on the waters for food (fishing) and trading with other tribes. This region is heavily wooded. Tribes would hunt and gather nuts or berries to eat. Tribes would build their homes out of wood. Tribes would use hollowed out tree trunks as boats called dugouts.
American Indians of the Northwest Tribes would carve totem poles out of tree trunks to tell family history or depict tribal legends.
American Indians
American Indians of the Arctic This region is close to the North Pole and has a polar climate with lots of snow and ice and cold temperatures. Major Tribes are the Aleut and Inuit. Very few plants grow here so tribes hunted and fished for food. Seals were hunted for their meat but also for their skins which were used for clothes and tents, bones that were carved into tools, and fat which as burned as oil to light their homes.
American Indians of the Arctic In the cold winter months the Inuit learned how to make warm homes out of snow and ice called igloos. The Inuit would travel over land by sled or with snowshoes.
American Indians