Evolution ID: eee105 Password: prAIRie Lec 13 15Feb02
The ecological theater The evolutionary drama
Evolution by Natural Selection is not random Selection is non-randomnon-random
How are complex structures “designed” by natural selection?
Eyes have evolved in many animals In single celled animals light meters direction detectors In multicellular animals
Eyes have evolved in many animals a pinhole camera a shadow detector
Octopus eye is a camera eye
Vertebrate eye Octopus eye
Vertebrate eye Octopus eye Convergent Evolution a “backwards” retina a direct eye
How did eyes evolve? A better question is how do genes control the construction of an eye?
If a characteristic is genetically controlled it has evolved
Nature red in tooth and claw? not necessarily
e.g. mutualismoften cooperation Nature red in tooth and claw? not necessarily
Mutualism mycorrhizal fungi
Mycorrhizal fungi share nutrients with tree roots share nutrients with tree roots
e.g. mutualismoften cooperation Nature red in tooth and claw? not necessarily
Cleaning symbioses
Symbiosis = living together
often cooperation Nature red in tooth and claw? not necessarily e.g. pollination
Wind-pollinated plants have inconspicuous flowers
An example of coevolution Pollination
Bees see ultraviolet light nectar guides
Honeybees learn
and communicate flower location to fellow workers