Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) TAFE eLearning Systems (TeLS)
Diana Khabbaz Director Learning Technologies, Knowledge & Library Services
Program History TOL1 (TAFE Online Stage 1) Resource development and Capability Building TOL2 Client Engagement 2008-Onwards TeLS (TAFE eLearning Systems) Embedding E-Learning
TAFE Customer Support Major Initiatives LMBR Learning Management & Business Reform TAFE SALM Student Administration & Learning Management TAFE NSW VLE Virtual Learning Environment
TAFE NSW VLE Treasury Business Case -Funding VLE Roadmap endorsed by TEG August VLE: TeLS resources focused on delivering a TAFE NSW Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
Relationships ITD - Sandpit SALM - Student Administration Learning Management Connected Classrooms-Learning Tools Applications (blog, wiki, eBackpack) Adobe enterprise agreement deliver Content Creation Tools
VLE Trials LMS-LCMS (Sakai Hive) Updated FINAL.doc Adobe Connect – Web Conferencing doc LCMS – Equella (the Learning Edge Pty Ltd) Fused Web2.0 Facebook equivalent ( 2009) Trial concludes December 2009 LCMS Readiness trials
Trial environment/Sandpit Future proof VLE Working prototype of core VLE tools integrated with ITD infrastructure Moodle Equella Mahara 1.1 Web2.0 ePortfolio tool *Please use your DET username/password to log on
Current Status PCG VLE (6 November) Procurement of LCMS Ongoing LCMS Readiness trials Roll out of Adobe products (DET EA)
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