THE SOCIAL-CULTURAL FRAME DISCUSSION QUESTIONS By Shalin Hai-Jew 1 The Social Cultural Frame Discussion Questions.


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Presentation transcript:

THE SOCIAL-CULTURAL FRAME DISCUSSION QUESTIONS By Shalin Hai-Jew 1 The Social Cultural Frame Discussion Questions

D ISCUSSION Q UESTIONS Discussion questions are ways for learners to engage the ideas of the various case studies. These should deepen understanding. Generally, these should be done before learners take on the research projects, fieldtrip ideas (both virtual and actual), or the role playing. Each question is followed by some addition questions and research information. 2 The Social Cultural Frame Discussion Questions

Q UESTION 1: C ULTURAL P ROTECTIONISM AND T RIBAL I DENTITY How may tribes maintain the social contract of protecting cultural heritage while working in an atmosphere of commercialism in Indian gaming casinos? How may investments from casino profits be spent to promote and protect Indian culture and identity? 3 The Social Cultural Frame Discussion Questions

C ULTURAL M ATCH C REATION How would you promote “cultural match” in the creation and maintenance of an Indian gaming casino? Some alcohol-free casinos exist as a statement about the tribe’s values. (Cornell, Kalt, Krepps, and Taylor, July 31, 1998, p. 73) How else may tribes convey their own values? 4 The Social Cultural Frame Discussion Questions

Q UESTION 2: D EFINING I NDIAN T RIBAL A UTHENTICITY What standards should be used to determine the authenticity of a particular Native peoples? What proofs should be offered? 5 The Social Cultural Frame Discussion Questions

Q UESTION 3: M ITIGATING P OTENTIAL H ARMS TO L ARGER S OCIETY How may a tribe mitigate potential harms to larger society in terms of localized crimes, public services, and environmental challenges? 6 The Social Cultural Frame Discussion Questions

Q UESTION 4: T HE P UBLIC R ELATIONS S TRATEGY AND M ESSAGE How may a tribe craft a public relations strategy and message to reach the mainstream US population about the benefits of tribal gaming? How may a tribal casino capture the culture of a tribe and share it with a larger public? How may a tribe communicate with its “internal publics” in terms of the pro- Indian gaming lobby’s message? 7 The Social Cultural Frame Discussion Questions

Q UESTION 5: I NTRATRIBAL I NFIGHTING How may a tribe address internal strife over gaming? How should they deal with issues of Indian occupations of buildings to protest various leadership and Indian gaming actions? How may such actions be seen as symbolic? Wetzel writes, “Certainly all occupations are in some way symbolic in that they invoke tropes, images, and seminal events” (Wetzel, Nov. 2006, p. 285). 8 The Social Cultural Frame Discussion Questions

C ONCLUSION 9 The Social Cultural Frame Discussion Questions