By : Isabella Ramos
At a very young age, Foxx showed evidence of his flair for performing and entertaining. At five years old, he started piano lessons, immersing himself both in the language of music and in the often-shocking experience of facing an audience—crucial skills for his future career.
Jamie Foxx in 2005 became the third African American to earn an Academy Award for best actor, winning his Oscar for playing musician Ray Charles in the film Ray. Sidney Poitier and Denzel Washington preceded him. Foxx, who also starred with Tom Cruise in Collateral in 2004, has risen from obscurity to succeed as a comedian, actor, singer, and producer in a variety of media.
In 1993, HBO invited him to create a one-man concert program, and the result was Jamie Foxx: Straight from the Foxxhole. The uncensored nature of cable television allowed him to return to the style of his earliest material, and the program fared well. Foxx even juggled his motion picture debut into his demanding television schedule, acting alongside veteran comedian Robin Williams in the family feature Toys.
I picked Jamie Foxx because he is a good looking singer && made many movies he is a great actor. There is a recent movie he’s in it is called Valentines Day. He played a reporter for the news. Jamie Foxx is a talented guy who should in the future be a great father. And teach his kids a lot like what is wrong and right. The children of Mr. Foxx would be like him when they get older if they wish. Also I picked him cause he is a good role model to look up too as a child.
Where was Jamie Foxx born ? 1.Terrell, Texas, United StatesTerrell, Texas, United States 2.New YorkNew York 3.New JerseyNew Jersey
When was he was born ? 1.December 13, 1967December 13, July July August August
What does he do for a living ? 1.Singer, ActorSinger, Actor 2.DoctorDoctor 3.PediatricianPediatrician